What would make this castle more like a castle?

What are some good ideas I can use to make my castle for this gim here:
Screenshot 2024-01-21 4.29.35 PM
i need some great castle ideas, to make this gim have a good space to live. Any ideas?

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Here’s some guides about it - Ideas to add to your medieval game! and All 100+ Medieval Props 🏰


What about some good terrain that I can use

Dungeon, Stone, or Stone Pavement

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a GOLDEN CASTLE with red banners all over!!!

That would be pretty cool to see @leo_flowers !

Also use real life castles and base it of that. You can add custom guards (sentries with custom skin) and dragons and all sorts of other stuff.Please tell us if you need more inspiration or mark a solution.

I feel like you can probably add a quest system if you want in your game of some sort to fit the medival theme! Like a knight quest system!
Us e his guide for more info:

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Where’s @leo_flowers ?

Wouldnt this be advertising? since he never asked for that? but hey he might use it just watch out what you post

oh ok but I mean, like he did say the castle, so I thought he might want to use a quest system, but ok, if you want to, I can replace my guide with another quest system

you do the same thing just saying you can’t judge

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@Seven_Seas he (@Gimkitsuggestor ) only wants the best of this community, but don’t advertise too @Gimkitsuggestor .

yea, ok, I get it, but the thing is I went to my posts thingy, to find the quest guide that I made that might help the person, but I accidently put in the part that it says gimkit creative! Sorry about that! I just fixed it!

MY HOW DISGRACEFUL to use past mistakes against me but hey the guy who said something had the specific thing in mind so Im like hey he may need this

you might not want to mention people all the time everytime you do it they get pinged
some people will not be happy if you ping them a lot

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Im sorry for what i’ve caused

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Okay, thanks foxy! I’ve been using that a lot so…


it’s fine pinging is helpful to get their attention otherwise you can just type their name

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