What places show I add to my map?

I’m making a map that is called Gimkit Island. It’s a town on the water, I have a market and the spawn area, what else should I add. Pls give good ideas. :smiley:

Beaches, a carnival amusement park, seafood shack.
Restrooms, just in case, though.

A beach, a yacht, neighboor-hood of homes, a hotel, playground(for the young gimies) and a weapons store( hidden some where on the map).

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You can just use the ocean…

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Yeah, a downtown area. Shops, stores, restaurants, parks, schools, library, etc.

A-HA! That’s funny, @WolfTechnology! What if you have to “number 2?”
Ew, that’s gross though. In the ocean. Add one “just-in-case.”

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I would blame it on a near by kid, or clame its a sea snake. :face_vomiting: JK. Now back on topic!

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Yeah, I was just about to say.
:thinking: Being technical, if it’s like an island city, or a resort city, maybe have a gigantic mall with stores and restaurants. You know, like Los Angeles.

Yeah make it a torist place, like palm beach or emrald island. Example:
Screenshot 2024-01-26 10.25.02 AM
Screenshot 2024-01-26 10.24.36 AM

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Whoa, what such high-quality images!
I wonder how you would make a tall building like that? Someone should make a guide on it.

thank you for all these wonderful things, I will try to add them all.

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Lol yeah i stayed in a building much nicer than that a few months ago when i wnte down there, and yeha a guide would be cool.

Screenshot 2024-01-26 10.27.36 AM
Screenshot 2024-01-26 10.28.28 AM

This is were i stayed, its was huge a very luxerious. If you wnat to seafrch it up its call Emerald Grande

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That’s cool, and it’s in Florida! @Pandapants2000, please mark a solution, if your question has been answered or solved.

Back on topic, tho.

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this is what is kind of looks like when you spawn, anything I should add here?

Maybe a souvenir shop? Like, t-shirts or something?

this is how people get around to places insistently

Lamp post, market stalls, palm trees and sand piles with one corner have a beach access. Here is a guide for the tree.

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Yeah, I was just about to mention that. I love that guide!

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Make it look elevated. Follow this guide to make it elevated.

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Whoa, that is insane! That’ll definitely upgrade it!
Add some sentries deactivated so they look like citizens!

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