What Ideas Can I Add To My Map

what if you did like a stealth level where the players objective instead of being to kill all of the sentrys maybe to kill the least

Perhaps you could make a secret room with a button and a counter, and when you press the button the counter goes up? Something like that? I made a multiplayer clicker game and I will say, it’s not that bad. You just need a button, a counter, and a wire (or channel, I use channels).


Welcome to the forum @SopMopHQ !

Thats a great idea (I might use it in my own game!!)

Nice idea, Btw Welcome to the forums @SopMopHQ

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Good Idea @Billybanana
I’ll add it in!

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you can also add mazes for rewards that could help you in the game. remember to mark a solution if your question is answered. :white_check_mark:

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Okay I’m trying to use your laser Idea because I noticed its TO Simple to run across. Although I’m stuck here

Since this Isn’t supposed to be a Solo game, I need to figure out how to re-activate the laser

Nice idea @2029bensonVin

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Thanks, @Dinosawr, I honestly just thinking about what I added to my lost rooms map, like the lore, Boss fights(still in progress), etc. If you need help with anything else, tag me, the members, regulars, and/or the mods, have a good day

You to @4r33

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I’ve fixed it with a trigger!

That usually does it( idk why I am talking, I only use simple mechanics)

:+1: Simple mechanics? Guess it must be. Simple

Ba dump dump, Pshtss

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Horrible Jokes @4r33 :laughing:

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what I mean is I only mess with the device settings and wired connected settings :upside_down_face: :sweat_smile:

Hey guys I made a guide, maybe this will help you add some spice to your game–>How To Make An Awesome RPG Game

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For devices, you could use this–>
[ 📜 ] The Ultimate Guide to Every Device Part 2!

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You could also use this–> [📜] The Ultimate Guide To Every Device Part 3!

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Nice guide @Bobthebuilder123 (that name brings back good memories :slightly_smiling_face:)

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