What Game should I make? How about one of these: (@JoeTheChicken's Map & Theme Ideas)

Yay! Finally someone knows what ghost in the graveyard is! You are gonna inspire me to make some more guides! Great guide!

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I may borrow some of the things you add for mine just in case I missed anything. Do you mind?

Yeah, I’ve decided, time to make ghost in the graveyard! Hopefully Ill make a guide on it.

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yeah I don’t really mind. You did let me do stuff

I’m going to make a guide on choose your own adventure and keep away as soon as I have the chance.

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This is way more organized than mine. Mine is just bullet points, a title, and an explanation.

Nice guide, very big though.

Nice guide! I’m probably going to use this in the future!

Considering I probably covered a lot of ideas it’d be hard to not to have similar ideas on here. I love the organization and the theme and location ideas.

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Here’s the link to my choose-your-own-adventure guide.

also the ideas is for Help posts.

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Nice, but where’s FNaF?

On my guide.

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I made a keep-away guide.

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@Haiasi no I meant to reply here (would have been awkward if I hadn’t)

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Very kewl Guide

Hi there! Sorry I’m a little late. There’s a work in progress guide for ghosts in the grave yard!


BUMPPPPP so the forums maybe can get some ideas, its a bit dry here… so maybe this would help

Hey, try not to bump within 5 days of activity.

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Oh, alright. Thanks for the info!

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