War GimTeams game

I am making a teams war game… so I making a room for one team to launch a missile (explosive)
like any player from team 1 (for example) can go to the room to launch it but I want it to , like when the player clicks the button to launch it sends a popup to each player of the player team, that says ; Launch missile ? (answers) - abort(no) , or launch,
and I want it to then if theres more players that answered Launch it lets the player launch it
, but if theres more players that answered abort (no) the player cannot launch it then…

Use properties for each answer and a live player counter probably

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so like voting, i think there’s a guide on that here just search it up or smth

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So to make the pop-up show just do button pressed > relay (All players) > pop-up.
then just make 2 call to actions, and make each one increment a counter that updates a property. Then just make a trigger that at the end of the voting time checks if one property is bigger than the other. The block code should be something like:
Screenshot 2024-05-20 1.39.27 PM
Screenshot 2024-05-20 1.40.17 PM
The second image is an option you can do to open a pop-up that tells the player who pressed the button that it was rejected.

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Yea just vote on it.
Use This Guide!
Or This One!
Or This!
Maybe This Guide?

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Thanks, but can you show me all of the block (like all of the picture if theres more)
but anyways it worked

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