[🟧] Visualizing Gimkit Creative Systems Using the Gimkit Graphical Representation (GGR)

This is a somewhat more complex system of visualizing devices and a few other Gimkit Creative elements, this was inspired by ClicClac’s Letter-Device format - Community Made Guides - Gimkit Creative. This system uses shapes, colors, lines, and fill patterns to symbolize different aspects of Gimkit Creative systems. Here’s a basic guideline:

Shapes: The shapes represent devices, with the type indicating the device’s primary function.

  • Circle: Interactable Devices (Button, Team Switcher, etc.)
  • Square: Condition Devices (Checker, Tag Zone, etc.)
  • Triangle: Action Devices (Teleporter, Repeater, etc.)
  • Diamond: Data Devices (Counter, Property, etc.)

Colors: The color signifies the device’s interaction with players.

  • Blue: Direct player interaction required (Button, Teleporter, etc.) image
  • Green: Passive interaction with players (Zone, Sentry, etc.) image
  • Red: Conditional or Game Rules Devices (Checker, Counter, etc.) image
  • Yellow: Stores or manipulates data (Property, etc.) image

Fill Patterns: The fill pattern determines the device’s state.

  • Solid: Active Devices
  • Stripes: Passive Devices
  • Empty: Inactive or Reset Devices

Lines: Represents Wires.

  • Solid Line: An active wire

  • Dotted Line: An inactive wire

Colors of Lines: Used to represent channels.

  • Black: No channel

  • Different color lines: Different channels


  • Duplicates (Only 48 total options, if you want to add-on, you can)
  • Somewhat difficult to remember

List of Devices and How they Would Display:

(I gave the information from this post to my GimAI so some of the information under here may be inaccurate.)

  • TEXT: Yellow square, solid (displays information, passive interaction).
  • POPUP: Blue square, solid (interacts with the player by displaying information).
  • RELAY: Green diamond, striped (waits for conditions to be met to relay information).
  • BARRIER: Green square, solid (actively interacts with the game environment by blocking areas).
  • END GAME: Red triangle, solid (actively triggers the end of the game).
  • PROPERTY: Yellow diamond, solid (actively stores data used in blocks).
  • REPEATER: Red square, solid (actively triggers a set action at repeated intervals).
  • TAG ZONE: Green square, striped (passively interacts with the game environment waiting for conditions to be met).
  • WAYPOINT: Blue square, striped (waits for user interaction to indicate a specific location).
  • LIFECYCLE: Red triangle, striped (waits to trigger actions based on game lifecycle events).
  • SPAWN PAD: Green triangle, solid (actively sets the starting location for players).
  • LASER BEAM: Red square, solid (actively interacts with the game environment by dealing damage).
  • QUESTIONER: Blue circle, solid (actively interacts with the player, posing questions).
  • CAMERA VIEW: Green square, solid (actively sets the bounds players can see within).
  • GAME OVERLAY: Blue square, solid (actively interacts with the player by displaying in-game content).
  • ITEM SPAWNER: Green circle, striped (waits for player interaction to spawn items).
  • NOTIFICATION: Blue square, solid (actively interacts with the player, sending alerts/messages).
  • TEAM SWITCHER: Blue circle, solid (actively interacts with the player, switching team allocations).
  • WIRE REPEATER: Red square, solid (actively connects wires to trigger events).
  • MOVEMENT METER: Blue circle, striped (waits for player interaction to monitor movement).
  • SPEED MODIFIER: Blue circle, solid (actively interacts with the player, modifying speed).
  • VENDING MACHINE: Blue circle, solid (actively interacts with the player, selling items).
  • KNOCKOUT MANAGER: Red triangle, solid (actively triggers actions upon player knockouts).
  • FLAG CAPTURE ZONE: Green circle, striped (waits for player interaction to capture a flag).
  • END OF GAME WIDGET: Blue triangle, striped (waits for the game end to display widgets).
  • STARTING INVENTORY: Blue circle, solid (actively interacts with the player, granting starting items).
  • INVENTORY ITEM MANAGER: Yellow diamond, solid (actively keeps track of the player’s item inventory).

This could be a (really complicated) game changer if you combine this with letter device format! Nice job!


What’s the difference between GGR and LDF?

No offense, but I would probably never use this because I would need to check this document all the time, when I could just say stuff like:
Button → Text (When Pressed, Show Text)


I agree… (no offense)

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yeah which i stated but i just wrote it bc i felt like it ig ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


and also when i randomly decide to completely quit gimkit creative forever (could be a few days to a year) i have at least 2 guides 1031185694833512478

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Is this still a thing?


while i don’t know how this could be used for, bump anyways!

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also i just have to ask

because mysz said


Treat it as like GKC pig Latin.


bump hehe

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Bumpity bump bump bump!

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very helpful guide! bump!

I’m kinda tempted to try and memorize this over the summer haha

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