Unlocking New Areas

I’m currently building a map where students have to go through a different rooms on each level of a tower.

To enter the tower they have to beat a sentry on the bridge. On the first level there’s different rooms that they get items and unlock the next room. Some of them they have to find an item (zone wired with an item granter). Other rooms they answer a question to get the item. Before ultimately unlocking the next level of the tower. I know for a level or two I will have them fight sentries to unlock as well.

I’m trying to come up with some other creative ways students can unlock rooms & levels.
This game format can be played by solo students and I’m not looking to have a battle zone or where they have to versus any other player because sometimes there can only be one person on at a time.

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You can have barriers that deactivate that open new sections for them to play. To make people not able to attack each other you can go to the map settings and put everyone on Cooperative mode.

So Ms what are you asking for is that you want players not to be able to attack each other. Second you do not want other students to skip tower by by using the help of another.


Disable PvP in map options, use scope as player.


I already have barriers set. Some unlock based on items they earn. Others by beating sentries. I just didn’t know of other options to make the game more interesting.


How about a level with multiple invisible buttons, but only one button will open the barrier. To spice things up a little, you could also use a randomizer.

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What type of game (theme) are you trying to make?

Oh sorry, I misunderstood.

Inner cringe

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You could make a code~
Basically every time they progress a certain amount of floors, lets say 5, they get a random number. Every 5 floors they could get a random number. I would recommend a 3 digit code. You would have to randomize the code so your students can’t just guess the code to escape. If you do this make sure the code is player scoped and not broadcasted to the entire class so each player/student can escape individually.


I already know how to disable them fighting. I’m looking for other creative ways to unlock new areas.

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How would I go about setting up something like this?

You could hide a text device with a number on each floor, and then have them input that into a counter-property system, and if the code is correct then you can open another stage.

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You would use a device called a trigger, in a trigger there is block code. Now I’m not normally good with code or devices, but if you give me and a few others time to make the mechanic we/I can walk you through it step by step.

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I have the time. That would be great! Thank you!

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@Ms.Lange IM SO HAPPY.
The system works, now do you have your game pulled up?

The system should look something like this when done

Things you will need:
1 Trigger, found in devices
1 Sentry, found in devices
5 Popup, found in devices

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You would want to make 3 counters. In each of them, turn on properties and set the property to update to code1, code2, and code3 respectively. Then, put 2 buttons next to each counter; one on top, and one underneath. Name these “Increase number” and “Decrease number” respectively. Wire the top one to the counter. Button pressed → increment counter. Wire the bottom one to the counter. Button pressed → decrement counter. Make a button next to all of the counters. Name it “Submit code”. Wire it to a new trigger. Button pressed → trigger the trigger. Go into the blocks section. Make a new block. In there, make a variable. Name it “Code sum”. Now, place down the variable in the coding area. Now, place down 3 “Get property” blocks. These will prompt you to pick a property when you place it. Select your properties as code1, code2, and code3. Put them all into an addition statement. Connect that addition statement to the set variable block. Then, place an if block. If “Code sum” = the sum of all of the numbers, then broadcast on a channel. Close the block code. Place something that activates on that channel. This should help you.

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@ShadowDragon44 and @Grey_Stone

Thank you both! I will work on this and hopefully get it sorted out. I appreciate all of your help!


No settings should be changes for the sentry, unless you want to change the respawn time.
3 settings must be changed in the Trigger, and block code is needed:

Trigger settings

Trigger block code

You will have to create “random” in the section “Variables”
The block “Random integer from” is in the section “Math”
To add “else if” click that little gear symbol and add 4 “else if”
To add “random” go into the section “Variables” again and choose the one that ONLY says “random”
All the numbers in a dark blue block can be found in the “Math” section
“Broadcast Message on Channel” will be in the section “Essentials”
WHEN YOU PUT THE “Broadcast Message On Channel” BLOCK DOWN A SIDEBAR WILL POPUP, it should be called channel browser, that is how you will make the numbers in green

I will continue the Popup features in the next post

Now get 5 Popups. Each should have these settings


Select “…” in the top right corner of the Popup, then hit all options, scroll down to select

So Popup 1: Featured → Header Text “1” & Open popup when receiving on “1”
So Popup 2: Featured → Header Text “2” & Open popup when receiving on “2”
So Popup 3: Featured → Header Text “3” & Open popup when receiving on “3”
So Popup 4: Featured → Header Text “4” & Open popup when receiving on “4”
So Popup 5: Featured → Header Text “5” & Open popup when receiving on “5”

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What about a maze that is always changing when the player moves?

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