Trigger-Relay-Relay interactions

I’ll get to that at around 11:20

This is cool! Nice finding this out everyone! I might do some research on combos now.

So basically this is a way to randomly grant players 0 - N items without using blocks.

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The Iterated Relaytions: A Study on Relay Combos

Make this like a clay-institute tag

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Why? Also, why is this a ideas? ideas is for people that need ideas or a post that lists idease.

Well this concept is new and could add many new possiblities to GKC. That’s why it should be clay-institute

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Yeah, but that wouldn’t be clay-institute. Clay-institure is the problems that need to be solved, not the solutions.

This is actually so AWESOME! You can make it so that the host is never an imposter, and other stuff! This is a completely new perspective on gimkit.

Oh…my bad then.

Hold on, here me out.

The way this works, is the first group of people transmitt the next on on behalf of others in the next group, including themselves. This goes on infinitely. Like if we had random players, all players on my team, increment counter, you could count how many people are on your team. I think. But what would happen if you attach a relay to all players? Would nothing happen, and the previous group move on because they are in the group? Or would every single player trigger, because of it? So is the all players option useful if it is only at the beginning of a relay chain or in other things?

@here Alright, here’s a relay system that does something to a random team that does not have the host on it:

Lifecycle (Relay) → Relay (All players on my team) → Relay (All other players) → Relay (Random Player) → Relay (All players on my team).

Crazy, right?

I just had a brainfart with this…

Ok, so here’s what happens. Let’s say we have team A, B, and C. There is me, A1, and others. A2, A3, B1,2,3, C1,2,3. The lifecycle would go to the relay doing everybody on team A. Then, it would become team B and C. Next, random player out of those. Next, does that team. So either team B or C will have something done to it. Nice find!

This is why I wanted to get an exhaustive list of Relay-Relay interactions, so we know exactly what the second simplest group does before someone starts to do this.

When relaying to specific teams, check the complement of those teams, and if there are less complementary teams then teams you’re relaying too, relay to the complementary teams and use the example above.

I’m going to name this complementary relay simplification.

And thus a new field was invented. Also has anyone experimented with all other players setting yet?

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I need to step down. What have I made?

I love how nobody even payed attention to my response.

I saw it, but I am in shock. I have brought about the very thing that I cannot understand.