Hi, Navy here! If you’re new to the forum, welcome to the community! There are so many knowledgeable people here who can answer (almost) any question! However, you may be a bit confused on navigating the forum. This guide will give you tips and tricks I hope you’ll find useful!
Some things you should know if you're new:
When you first get into the forum, you will see a blue banner at the top. Make sure to read that! In case you can no longer find it, it basically tells you that the forum is only for questions and guides about Gimkit Creative. **Do not post game codes!** You could get reported for it. Codes are not allowed as that could lead to spam.2:
Check out this guide:A guide to the new Forum interface/Discourse
Complete the tutorials by @discobot! Just say, "@discobot start tutorial" if you want to complete the basic tutorial and "@discobot start advanced tutorial" if you want to complete the advanced tutorial. In order to use discobot commands, you have to turn "Skip new user onboarding tips and badges" off. To do that, click on your profile picture, click on the person icon, and click on "Preferences." Ta dah! You've just reached your settings! Click on "Interface," scroll to the bottom, and make sure "Skip new user onboarding tips and badges" doesn't have a check in the box. Now, you can use discobot commands! Say, "@discobot display help" to see a list of commands.Tips on navigating the dashboard:
There’s a sidebar on the left of the dashboard with a lot of useful features. Click on the three bars on the left of the “Gimkit” title to hide/unhide it. On the bottom right of the bar, you will see a plus sign. If you click on that, you can add sections that contain links to any website including this forum.
On the bottom right corner, you will also see a keyboard. Click on that to see a list of keyboard shortcuts.3:
Want to search up guides for a specific game, like Among Us? On the sidebar, there is a section with a list of tags. Click on a tag to see its posts.Tricks for posts
The bar with the little icons you might see if you are editing/writing a post on a computer are very useful. You can use them to alter characters or make polls!
Check out this guide:
Forum Tips and Tricks
You can change the font size of the characters by inserting them into <h3> </h3>
It will look like this:
You can also replace “3” with other numbers.
You can also put characters in <> to turn them invisible. This can be useful for the 20 character limit.
Well, that’s all. I hope you found this useful!