Thumbnail Request (then back to retirement)

I can make one for you! Just give me details on what you want.


How about this: an acoustic guitar like the Riff skin but brown and with a hole in the center?
Essentially, can u make this into a Gim?

I’m gonna sign out now for a bit. I’ll check back in at the end of next week to see how it’s coming. Have a great day! :smile:

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Ok! I can try to!


I might also try as well.

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Here it is! I hope you like it!


Right now, no. I’m doing the required “delete everything outside of core functions and rebuild it better” phase and the “plan on paper phase at the same time. If I need help from an outside source[1], you’ll be my first go to though!

  1. Not a Spacie. ↩︎


its awesome I like it


yoyo check pastel for something

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My thumbnail:

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Great thumbnail, @THEHACKER120! However, I previously stated this:

Also, sorry, but I already used @VoidFluffy’s thumbnail and published the game with it.


Oh, I just saw this. :sweat_smile: How’s it coming, @VoidFluffy?

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isn’t that off-topic? asking for a PFP?

funny but kinda mean and not true joke

I mean you are acoustic!

but art that has nothing to do with Gimkit, just your PFP…

No, it’s not off-topic. This is an art topic and I was asking for art. :smile:

A pfp is still art.

Wait, how?

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He edited post and the quote was added.

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No, how is jorj replying to a reply that came after it?

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Yay! I love your games (can’t wait for your thumbnail and game to come out)

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He edited his reply after Gk101 replied.

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@Queen.of.Learning, the game is already out. It’s the game link I put in the chat Padlet last week. :sweat_smile: Now I’m working on an underwater game using the breathing mechanism from the swimming level. @Queen.of.Learning, check padlet

Also, I cant do the custom Gim, sorry. Boops is good

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