Thumbnail Request (then back to retirement)

Can someone ping me 3 hours later??
Just an @ will do

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You can just bookmark the topic.


Oh ok
I learnt something new, ty!!


No problem!
As a fellow thumbnailist it comes in handy.


You do realize if we dont confront it itll keep happrning

He pinged me because he was asking me a question.
And besides, I don’t care if he pings me.

You have no authority on this matter, since the ping was directed at me.
And, there’s no reason to confront something that didn’t even bother anyone (besides you).
Stop and just face the fact that Gimkit101 did nothing wrong.
Bruh I’m just going to ignore you in your user settings so I don’t have to see your response, because it’s probably just going to prove my point that you’re being immature via the fact that you can’t admit you’re wrong.
P.S. My final words to you are…
By extending this conversation, you’re also adding on to the off-topic.


Well pharlain herself said not to ping artist for art reasons, and he did

Uh oh i smell off topic
And arguments
Let’s get back on topic because of the OP’s message box suffering :]

Also it’s Fluffy’s problem, not your’s.


Anyways, I’m not gonna make a second thumbnail mostly because I have no energy.


@MirMirCreates, yes I’m still accepting thumbnails, I guess. I originally said the deadline was noon today, but I’ll give u until 4pm.


Sorry your Gimkit account was deleted. That’s a shame. :slightly_frowning_face:

@Unit_72, I am a boy. My pronouns are he/him fyi.

@VoidFluffy and @Blackjack, I love your thumbnails. They look great!!! At 4pm, I’ll decide which thumbnail to use and then I’ll publish the game.

@boop, if you still want to submit a thumbnail, you have until 4pm.

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@VoidFluffy, if it’s not too much trouble, could you add a mysterious looking door to the island in the thumbnail? :door:

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I’m sorry, I won’t be able to finish this one. I have too much stuff to do.


Okay, @boop! :+1: That’s fine. Good luck with the tons of stuff!

Okay, I finished the game earlier than I expected. Now all I need is a thumbnail.

At 2024-06-28T21:00:00Z, I’m going to decide which thumbnail to use and then I’ll publish the game.


Great thumbnail, @VoidFluffy! :smile: I’ve decided to use yours, though @Blackjack’s was also good.

Sorry, @MirMirCreates, but you ran out of time to have a chance to submit a thumbnail. Thanks anyways for the offer! :smile_cat:

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Thanks for the help, everyone! :smile:


Before I sign off, @ClicClac, I have 1 question for you: I read in your bio you’re making a new game called a Jump In Time. What’s it about? Do u need/want any help? :smile:


I suggest not telling people it’s published as some people might flag for advertisement. Just a heads up

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Yeah, good point. :sweat_smile:


@boop, are you good at making custom gims for pfps? I need a new one for during the rest of my retirement.

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