I want it to be similar to Roblox Doors’ thumbnail, with some gims (I don’t care which ones) doing whatever you guys want, I don’t really care what they are doing. It should have a door with the gims in it with some eyes behind them, like Seek’s eyes.
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i would use this for a way for people to understand better
Fixed it, I hope that will do.
me brother @metal_sonic-1 will get it done soon
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whats the game called? (just doors?)
Uhhhh, i thought seek eyes cant spawn where figure is
Oh well
metal did that to make people question it
Well, it didnt take long
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- have a thumbnail made by Ian_is_a_yay
thats really good
I love these! I will keep this open though so I can get more thumbnails, then I will mark a solution.
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also metal says hi
MMmm ok I got it. I’ll try to make one!!
I’ll make one
Welcome back @Fuzzy!