

Okay, spam flaggers, just stop already, it is ruining everything for everyone, some people are trying to reach tl3 (btw, I don’t speak for everyone else, I’m talking more about me) and tl4, and you’re not letting them, it isn’t funny and it can ruin everything for others, like if someone had tl4, you could cause them to lose that after all that hard work. So just stop it already. If you want to spam flag, spam flag yourself.

I’m just a guy trying to help everyone on the forums. I’m also the creator of every Blast Battles map. Search up my name to get on them in discovery, if you want to. I hope all of my projects are at least enjoyable to everyone.Also, please don’t just flag and go, I’m trying to learn what would advertise and what wouldn’t, so just tell me, and I’ll eventually catch on. This is my Facebook page: Blast Battles. Also, I really like Transformers (have you ever wondered why I have set my profile picture as Optimus Prime, well, now you know.) I may get on the wixsite soon, so that is another way to contact me, but not right now.