Thumbnail for my Sonic the Hedgehog map

I currently have another thumbnail, but it wasn’t very on theme. Maybe a Green Hill zone theme. Also, any gim or Sonic is running around. Made by Ayden1, you can put your name if you want. The map is called Sonic the Hedgehog Remake.

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can me and my brother @metal_sonic-1 do one
(we both love sonic the hedgehog)


Yes, that is fine, I would love to see both of your pictures.

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we both work on one thumbnail not two (sorry should have specifed before hand)

It’s okay, it is still fine if you two want to work on it together.

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Bruh the topic is pinned

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The pin is removed after you read it, but yes @Ayden1, please follow the format

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Is it good now, or do I need more?

I’m still taking any thumbnails, if anyone wants to make one.

i forgot about this :skull:

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I did too for a while, I just remembered.

i will make one soon

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Alright, that is fine, I just want a new thumbnail because I only had a Sonic.exe picture for it.

alright expect it today or tomorrow

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That is really good! I never would have expected one so quick! :grinning:

im getting it done rn so expect it super soon

not the best thumbnail but here it is:


It’s fine, I may use this soon, if no one makes any others that I like, not trying to be rude.

nah your fine :slight_smile: im happy to help

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Oh, I forgot to ask, isn’t Serial_Destination gonna make one, or are you both making one together, because she said that she was gonna help. I just wanted to know.