Thumbnail For Bloons TD 6 remake

Ya i know i just thought it was funny

I mean, somebody did suggest to do that, so that is prob why a bunch of people are doing the same things.

We have a clear winner ladies and gentleman. But, maybe instead of bloons it could be Gims?

Use Canva to make it better, but for google slides then… Nice

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Im assuming you mean in the title? correct me if im wrong.

so you just have to have a LOT of wire repeaters, and a LOT of props that track health.

Going to make one soon. Hold on…

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my birthday is on Monday. No way I win on my birthday, that would be insane.
[edit: Oh no @I_Like_Props is here, I lost :slight_smile: ]

Your thumbnail is probably the best… Mine is awful, trust me
And happy birthday! :sparkles: :birthday: :partying_face:

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nope. props are gone forever when they take full damage, and there’s no way for towers to deal damage to them. [sentries do not work as they won’t target the props.] sentries are also memory inefficient. if you had read the topic that I linked you would know this.

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My job is making the art, I’m not very worried about how hard it is because I’m not making the map. and also, nothing is impossible: Its not impossible.

i was meaning the first statement for gimtendo, not you anyway

and if this isn’t outright impossible, then it’s impossible for someone with this little experience. it might be possible for the few users who understand text screens and every other high level mechanic for memory saving.

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Okay, finished! It’s meh…


thats GOOD! what are you talking about???!?!

That BTD6 design is trademarked/coprighted, I don’t think you can use that…

Same applies to @wait.what.626Youtube’s thumbnail.


About “Nothing Is Impossible”, that is true. You could make an OS, maybe another high level coding language in gimkit, but do you have any idea how just absurdly hard that would be? Nothing being impossible does not imply that everything is easy, or medium, or even a lot hard. Some of this “not impossible” stuff may as well be impossible for now because of how “hard” it might be.

So, where is “Tower Defense” in this “Impossible” scale? Probably in a “not worth trying to do” part of gimkit, especially if you’re not experienced with blocks, basically all devices, and optimization techniques like PIPs for properties. Why? Because if you’re not, you’re gonna have to brute-force make the game which will take HEAPS and HEAPS of memory. This brute-force version might slightly accomplish the task, but will most likely just be a “bad rip-off” version of the game. There’s a reason why the community is so large with so many crazy-experienced creators but no tower defense game has ever been made.

So yes, Gimkit is Turing Complete, meaning that with infinite memory, everything is possible. But we first need infinite memory, something we don’t have, and you have to realize that some things are simply not worth making to even a really good GKC user because of their sheer difficulty, possible or not.

(so, i got someone smart to fact check this because im not good at hard stuff like this and he said this:

so yeah, text display?)


Yes, the smart person in question is saying that basically anything can be done by simply putting your game on a text display. This smart person doesn’t recommend doing this if you aren’t too good at block code though.


I mean, I was just trying to be positive.

  • Title looks weird
  • Gims are disproportionate
  • White flecks…
  • Spacial awareness w/gims
  • No shadows
  • No shading

and more…

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