The ULTIMATE Holiday Prop Tutorial (Part 2: Hanukkak/Chanukah)

Hello! Welcome to this guide. Today I will be showing you how to make props for the holiday Hanukkak/Chanukah!
Check out Part 1 → The ULTIMATE Holiday Prop Tutorial! (Christmas: Part 1) Avg. 0/10 ⬜
*Disclaimer: This is an original tutorial that doesn’t copy builds from other tutorials
Screenshot 2024-12-11 6.34.18 PM
Origin Story: This was a celebration because a group had stole a temple originally belonging to a group called the Jews. One day, they fought with this group to get back their temple, and they were successful for reclaiming their temple.This is why the holiday is celebrated.

Layering Bugs

*If you don’t know where the layering button is, go to the bottom of this text
Welcome to this tip! This will help you with item layering when an item goes behind an object.
Step 1: Get the time you want to be on top and move it to the above layer. You can keep it like this, but it doesn’t look nice to me.
Screenshot 2024-12-04 1.05.43 PM
To fix this, just move the item down until it touches the primary layer. After that, it should work as long as you don’t move it.
Screenshot 2024-12-04 1.08.06 PM
If an item is still on top of your character even in the primary layer, click the three dots and click reset to natural depth. This should solve the problem.

Functional Present

x4 Horseshoes, Yellow Tinted
x2 Cutting Board, Desired Tint
x1 Empty Fruit Box, Desired Tint
x1 Button
x1 Trigger
x1 Item Granter
Step 1: Build the present. Put the cutting board on top of the fruit box, and then put the two horseshoes on top of the cutting board. If your having trouble, click on Layering Bugs. Then repeat this for the other items but without the fruit box. Once you have, make them not visible in game. Step 2: Place the present without the fruit box on the floor next to your present. Next, place your trigger, hide it in game and disable collision, and wire it to the props, like this:
Screenshot 2024-12-11 6.54.28 PM
Even though this looks confusing, your just hiding the items on top of the fruit box BUT don’t hide the fruit box. And for the one on the floor, you just make the items show. Step 3: Get a button. Change the interaction message to “Open Present” or along the lines of that. Also make the button hidden in game. Now wire the button to the trigger, and make sure it triggers the trigger when pressed. Set the press time to 3 or 5 seconds. Step 4: Put the desired item in your item granter and desired amount. Wire one of the hidden items on the floor to the item granter with when the prop is shown, grant item. Step 5: Wire another hidden item on the floor to disable the button when it is made visible. Your final product should look something like this:
Screenshot 2024-12-11 7.03.00 PM

Fancy Table

What you’ll need:
x(any amount) Circular Shield
x(Shield amount) Ceramic Plate, any condition
x1 Wooden Table
Step 1: Place the Wooden table in the center, and color the Circular Shields to your desired color. Step 2: Gather the plates, and layer them above the Circular Shields (if you need help, click on Layering Bugs) Step 3: Place the Ceramic Plates on top of the Circular Shields. Step 4: Put all the shields and plates on the table. Your final product should look like this:
Screenshot 2024-12-11 7.37.38 PM


What you’ll need:
x1 Text
x1 Pointed Wooden Sign, tilted
x1 Wooden Pole
Step 1: Resize the pole to be really tiny, and place it on top of the Wooden Sign. Step 2: Get your image, recolor it to any of these following colors: Red, Green, Blue, Purple, White. Once you have, place it on top of the wooden sign (if you’re having trouble, click on Layering Bugs). Step 3: Type any of these symbols on the dreidel: ה ג ש נ . Your final product should look like this or other:
Screenshot 2024-12-11 7.49.14 PM

Menorah/7 Candles

What you’ll need:
x6 Blackboard Legs
x7 Ceramic Plates, Orange
x2 Wooden Poles
Step 1: Flip 3 Blackboard Legs, and keep the others in their position. Recolor the poles to your desired color, and the blackboard legs. Step 2: Rotate one of the wooden poles sideways. Layer it to be on top of the Blackboard Legs, and then put all the blackboard legs on, facing outwards and leaving space in the middle. Step 3: Place the other Wooden Pole in the center, so that more than half is below the other pole, and less than half is above it, on about the same level as the candles. Step 4: Get all your plates, and simply place them on top of the Blackboard Legs and the Wooden Pole. Your final product should look like this:
Screenshot 2024-12-11 8.01.46 PM

What’s the overall rating of this tutorial?

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  • 8/10 (Hard)
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  • 10/10 (Hard)
0 voters

Pretty good guide i like the look of the final product simple and easy

Hoooray! It go approved

I have an ultimate guide to holidays, too! I really like this guide; it’s very cool!
Also, just make sure everyone is safe here, and this is what I mean:

Some holidays are religious, which means people believe in certain things and have their own standards of living and ways of life. If you are going to make guides like this, it’s best to add an ANNOUNCEMENT or WARNING for users to know that religious holidays are going to be discussed and represented. If people have controversial arguments and opinions about something, it’s best to remove and/or close the topic. This is a civilized place, after all.

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Got it! If a fight ever happens, I will close this reply and flag the posts

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That’s good. Also it’s amazing. I really like this.
You could add this to :scroll: The Ultimate Guide to Holiday Decorations and/or include the link to this guide and your other one, and I’ll credit you in the guide if you do.
This is just a suggestion, and it is not required. You don’t have to if you don’t want to.

Hmm… Maybe in part 3 I will. But thanks for the suggestion

great guide! simple yet efficient!

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Thanks for the rating! I’ma leave this poll running until 100 views

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good guide really helps! :smiley: :grin:

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Thanks for the rating @D00MZOZ!

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Happy Holidays this year!

This is a great guide, your first one was aswell. One question though:Why not just make your first guide a wiki and then add both of your Holiday prop tutorials (I’m guessing more designs are coming soon), to the same guide?

This is supposed to be a buildup of 3 categories: Christmas, Hanukkak/Chanukah, and then end it off with Generic Holiday items

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OH that makes a lot more sense. Still both guides are amazing and creative! Keep up the good work @RyanDaGreat

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Dude that is amazing.

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Thank you @ColtonRex!