The Ultimate Guide to Traps, Tricks, Pranks, and Trolls [LENGTH WARNING šŸ˜ˆ ]

  1. Stop chatting here
  2. Seriously, stop
  3. I donā€™t want this closed
  4. This is being off-topic
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and can you please make me a wiki guide so i can continue to edit it for a while please? Iā€™m making a guide where it will have tips and trips for making/testing maps, and different users methods on how they test and buildā€¦because iā€™ve noticed many maps in discovery messed up because of some tiny mistakesā€¦

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oh boy. @Dodge_Fox was actually serious about that guide.

welp I might as well watch this un fold as my brain rotting from that other help guide

no like seriously I thought u was kidding

what are u gonna do with this guide?

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umā€¦i cnat talkā€¦my forum is bugging like crazyā€¦i barely got this reply inā€¦

@Dodge_Fox Of course!
Iā€™ll make it now; Sorry for the lateness. Iā€™ll just name it wiki for Dodge_Fox, but you have to tell me your name of the guide\

Actually I canā€™t make it now, just tell me your title when you can then I will make it

@Morepeko8 Is there a new link for the shipping padlet? Can I have it?

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off-topic praise to that lovely poem:

:sparkles: loved that,
and I even quoted it In my bio!
[ currently making my own stamp of approval]

I definitely am going to use the guide to troll @Blackfox45666 for the plenty of times I got trolled by them XD
Iā€™ma get them back for all those spam notifications,
and millions of bananas.
yes. you.
I see you replying:

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a retaliation?
hehhehehhehhehe weā€™ll see bout dat >:3
but brb test time


Sorry my bad i wasnt on after i responded because my forum was crashing every 2 seconds.

Give me the name of the guide you want

Tips and tricks for building youā€™re maps.

And lol people got saved from a lot of trolls when legobuilder was suspendedā€¦he showed me he had made 20 new trolls to add and many more on the wayā€¦HOW does someone even make that many different ones with so many already added??

Also correct grammar on that title is ā€œTips and tricks for building your maps.ā€
Because ā€œyouā€™reā€ is ā€œyou areā€ and ā€œyourā€ is possessive

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Is it just me or has the forum been crashing and failing to load a lot recently?

Itā€™s me too. Also, I made the topic

Thanks sorry just im trying to do 50 things at onceā€¦

Okay thanks, blizzy!

for the banana prank troll, you could be even more of a troll by having the awesome weapon be a common pickaxe instead of a common zapper

Wait Blizzy you have a list of food? Remind me not to get on her bad sideā€¦

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Yo @Blizzy, i got a Trap guide to insert into this TUG, here it is:

May i add it?


im 95% sure you can add anything as long as itā€™s appropriate, and not already added.