The Ultimate Guide to The End of Game Widget đź“Š


Heya forums!
Welcome to my first tug! [1]
Today I will teach you everything I know about the end of game widget.
I’ve seen one guide on this, by BreathTaking but it wasn’t the best, no offense to the creator.

What Does It Even Do?

The end of game widget is a device that basically shows a players stats, aka property to people at the end of the game.

You might not know what device I’m talking about just through that summary, but trust me, you’ve seen it. The below image is an end of game widget.

Now using that same image, lemme show you a penguin → :penguin:
Now that my stomach is :sparkles: satisfied :sparkles: I’m going to show you each section.

The label and the display. The label can be configured within the device.

The display is displays info, game time or a property.

Also, you can restrict who sees this!

You can use the player widget for

  • Questions Gotten Correct
  • Questions Gotten Incorrect

Anddddd, you can do game host for

  • Player Evaluations
    • Such as average gotten correct, or incorrect.

Scopes + Active

So like many devices, this has scope and activity.

If you put yes then it would show for players by default, but if not, you would have to activate this.

So if you activate/deactivate it, it affects either the whole team [team] everyone [global] or just the triggering player. [player]


Now, onto the widget placement.

Basically, all this does is determine where the widget will stand.
Like the description said, the featured widgets sit above all, Primary below featured, but above leaderboard, and secondary below the leaderboard.

If you have multiple of the same type, it will show in order of which ones were put 1st if I remember correctly. This might be false info.

anyway end of giude
hope u leiked dis
teh ned

brdya otu

@Bird wiki request hehe

Yum yum

and liek always
nver say nice guide
critics + uses :slight_smile:


  1. Hi ↩︎


I feel like instead of describing it, pictures would be better here. as sometimes I get confused on what below the leaderboard means.
maybe screenshot what each widget placement looks like?


coughs as I said in my deleted reply that was supposed spam

I said

but I am curious what was your observation that made The other guide on this not as good?

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its not formatted very well
plus he did not explain all the settings, just showed pics

Have you heard the saying:
A picture can equal to millions of words

Wait I realized what type of TUG are you trying to achieve with this device Bardy?
all sorts of stuff you can do with it?

I’m really confused on how this is a TUG, usally TUG’s are a big lengthy guide on one topic, but this one just explains a device. I’m confused…

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I know Spyde I just mean, is he going to show every single cool thing to do with it? In my opinion I dont think this is TUG enough he is only talking about the device, but hey give it 2 days or so and I may be wrong

Yeah, i realized what you meant so i delete it.
My bad

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@Bardy_2913 I did it hehe


Hmm, should it really be a tug? You can mention every setting…then you’re done.

I got rick-rolled :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


Good guide, but not the best formatting, and you should add more about the relation with properties.

I think when people here TUG they immediately think of big lengthy guides about a game recreation or such.
They forget that TUG is just an abbreviation for The Ultimate Guide.
That being said, there is some expansions on this that can be made.


still the most underrated device in existence. I miss BreathTaking :sob:

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Mm, yes, a guide that probably will be usless for me, but i dont care

A true “wut” moment
How did GKF even make a picture something bad to say


@Bardy_2913 I am being serious here, this is not a tug if all you did was talk about the device

wheres the ideas we could use it for?

I would recommend adding atleast 5 entries of stuff we can do with this device

@Gimkitsuggestor, I’ll let you add an ideas section for this beceause i’m kinda busy

take this guide for example
[:scroll:] The Ultimate Guide To Doors (Roblox Doors)

I actually explain how to do stuff, Why cant you add entries on how to do them?
you legit just only explained the device

Why cant you show us all the possibilities of this device and not just its obvious ones

And I read this whole thing please Dont be rude about you thinking I didnt

Nice guide, but unfortunately this doesn’t really qualify as an ultimate guide.
Here’s where I explain the difference, if you don’t mind:

  • ULTIMATE GUIDES usually have lots of information about a specific thing, and these things can or may include making games or maps, concepts, art, and usually include a multitude of things relating to one big topic. For example, the [:scroll:TUG] The Ultimate Guide to Tycoons! | WIP | v1.0.24 has information relating to how to create one, steps to do it, additional things to do, some yapping and other things. Ultimate guides usually are broad and don’t talk about specifically one thing or aspect, but multiple, the ultimate guide to ___!

:memo: NOTE: Ultimate guides are VERY (but usually) long and descriptive. They take a longer amount of time (depending on the user’s dedication to the guide) and are very cool! well sometimes not really

  • Now, CLASSIC GUIDES, or regular guides, more accurately, are basic guides. These guides can be about anything (not off topic, so don’t get any ideas) related to GKC! This includes building maps, forum stuff (with permission or something…?) devices, how to make things, including art, and mechanics, plus other cool things. These guides stick to usually one thing or not many things, and are very popular.

This, unfortunately, does not qualify as an ultimate guide. Please consider renaming it or calling it something else! Not anything skibidi though!

Let’s not start an argument about this, though…