[ 📜 ] The Ultimate Guide to Every Device Part 2!




Bump again ig.

A reusable bump this time!

  1. Bump.
  2. I just updated the part about zones to reflect the new update.
  3. The guide is about 2 characters short from hitting character limit. This would create a problem later on, would it not?
  4. Reusable Bump.
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This is why we made TUGTED 3.

Just reminding you, you forgot the Laser Beam.

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It’s in TUGTED 3.

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Bump. I’ll make a backup of this.

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Bump (added this due to not regular I think)

part 3 since new devices came out

please and also can I get a shoutout on the next one if you make it

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200th post. Yay.

Also, why part 2?

You forgot the camera view…

it’s because there are no settings, there’s nothing to add.

Untrue. This is just sad how you misuse the camera, you even got my topic removed, what do you have against cameras? Did something traumatic happen with them when you were young?

Some of the devices that aren’t mentioned here are already in TUGTED 1.

Whoa, @GimSolver, is that TripTriop from Prodigy for your profile picture?

Sorry for getting off-topic, but I just realized it.

Prodigy was my life. It still is…

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Oh, yeah, forgot about that…