[đź“ś] The Ultimate Guide To Doors

I have been Answering Peoples Gimkit doors questions a lot and my Solutions to them are quite smart and…well… Now I think I am now interested in making my own Official
Ultimate guide to Gimkit Doors
My only concern would be people would take credit for doors stuff already made, But my Solution That I hope Works is, Make it the way I want it the way I love it

Although This Guide is a Wiki I do not grant permission for ANYONE to edit it
Unless I say so and think your thing will be helpful (Many ideas may be denied since I want to be original.

Now Lets start

'83’s Section (MUST CHECK OUT, Very Helpful and Descriptive)

'83's Section

Table of Contents

  1. Language Glossary
  2. Doors Guide
  3. Making rooms
  4. The door System
  5. room Randomizer
  6. Hiding Places
  7. The Puzzle room
  8. Items
Chapter I: Language Glossary
  • Doors: Refers to the game “Doors”
  • doors: Note the lowercase. Refers to a door
  • rooms: Note the lowercase. Refers to a room, not the Doors DLC Rooms
Chapter II: Doors Guide
Door # Description
The Lobby The Hotel Lobby, introduces mechanics
Door 1 - Door 9 A randomized set of rooms
Door 10 This is a room that has a painting puzzle
Door 11 - Door 28 A set of randomized rooms
Door 29 - Door 39 At anyone of these rooms Seek Chase I could start
Door 35 - Door 45 At anyone of these rooms Seek Chase I could end. The Chase lasts until Door [Chase Start Door + 6] (ie, if it starts at 32, it ends at 38)
Door 36 - Door 49 After Seek Chase I, there is a set of randomized rooms
Door 50 AKA The Library. This is the first time you encounter the Figure. You must find 5 books, each with a key to the secret code that unlocks the Door out.
Door 51 AKA The Shop. Jeff sells some stuff here.
Door 52 - Door 59 A set of randomized rooms
Door 60 This is a special room. This place has a door that (using a skeleton key and two lock picks) can be unlocked to access the Rooms.
Door 61 - Door 78 A randomized set of rooms
Door 79 - Door 89 At anyone of these rooms Seek Chase II could start
Door 85 - Door 95 At anyone of these rooms Seek Chase II could end. The Chase lasts until Door [Chase Start Door + 6] (ie, if it starts at 82, it ends at 88)
Door 86 - Door 99 After Seek Chase II, there is a set of randomized rooms
Door 100 AKA the Warehouse/Lab thingy. You have to turn on 5 generators to activate an elevator and escape the Figure.
Chapter III: Making rooms

So if you have played doors before you probably know how rooms are set up. If you don’t or you want to create your own, then you can follow this guide to making a room:

Step 1: Draw an Outline

Draw an outline of the room. Consider adding, branching off rooms, basements, stairs, etc.
Screenshot 2024-09-09 2.40.27 PM,
Note the open spaces at the start and end for the doors we will add later.

Step 2: Add some decor

The best decor are:

  • Desks
  • Bookshelves
  • Codex

So you can add some decor like this:

Step 3: Add some loot!

In Doors you can find the following loot:

  • Money
  • Flashlight
  • Candle
  • Crucifix
  • Lockpicks
  • Plant-Thingies
  • Speed Vials

So in order to do this we are going to make everyone’s favorite RNG system! Money is the most common thing you can find, followed by Candle, Speed Vials, Lockpicks, Flashlight, Plant-Thingies, and finally Crucifix. I would say a fair RNG system would be:

Percent Item
35% Money
15% Candle
13% Speed Vial
10% Lockpicks
10% Flashlight
9% Plant-Thingies
6% Crucifix

So now I would recommend using a vending machine that deactivates after purchase because it will use less channels than putting a button that needs its own unique channel to deactivate only itself.

Making an RNG System!


  • 1x Vending Machine
  • 1x Trigger

Vending Machine

Set Purchase Action to Transmit on Channel, and have When item purchased, transmit on lootRNG. Next, set Visible In-Game to No. Now set Deactivate After Purchase to Yes and Active Scope to player. Now add an Item Name! I did Loot! Finally set Required Item to Bait and Required Item Amount to 0.
Now you can place your vending machine(s) next to all your desks.

When a player “loots” it will transmit on lootRNG before disabling the vending machine for the player.


Have this trigger’s Visible In-Game set to No and its Trigger by Player Collision set to No. Now have it Trigger when receiving on lootRNG. Finally add this code When triggered…

When the trigger receives on lootRNG it will run the above code and then transmit on its respective channel.

That’s a very simple, very rudimentary RNG. There are other guides around forms you could use to make one, I’m sure.

Step 4: Add at least 2 hiding spots

In Doors, you use hiding spots to avoid certain entities. Later in the guide show you how to make hiding spots. Make sure to add at very minimum 2 to your room! Larger rooms should have more!

Step 5: Decide restrictions

Some doors are locked away behind gates or need a key!
Simply wire a hidden button to the barrier that blocks the way to the door.

For one of the loot RNG’s replace it with a Gold Key. Then make the button to open the door deactivated until the player purchases it with a Gold Key.

Step 6: Add the DOORS!


Note how the bottom door is open, simply add an invisible barrier to make sure the players don’t run away.

That ends this chapter… You will probably need 30 - 50 rooms for this game!

Chapter IV: The door System

The door system is incredibly simple. In this chapter we make the doors have their numbers on them AND do a little bit of setup for chapter 4.


  • 2x Text
  • 1x Property
  • 1x Button
  • 1x Pop-Up

Text 1 (Open Door)

First set the Text to read Door ???. Now set Text Size to 31 and Font to Staatliches. Next, set the Text Color to Gold (R: 194, G: 168, B: 0). Now position the text accordingly:
Finally When receiving on channel doorUpdate…

This text will show on the door the player just came through so it needs to be 1 less then the previous door.

Text 2 (Next Door)

First set the Text to read Door ???. Now set Text Size to 31 and Font to Staatliches. Next, set the Text Color to Gold (R: 194, G: 168, B: 0). Now position the text accordingly:
Finally When receiving on channel doorUpdate…
This text will show on the door the player will go through next.


The Property Name to door. The Property Type should be Number and the Default Value should be 1. Then, When property value changes, broadcast on… doorUpdate and Broadcast on game start to Yes.

When this property changes it will broadcasts on doorUpdate.


Set the Button Message to Open door? and When button pressed, transmit on nextRoom. Finally set Visible In-Game to No. Now place the button by the exit door, like so.

When the player clicks this button, it will broadcast on nextRoom.


When making this you sacrifice the ability to go back to previous room, for the sake of having random rooms. Because of this we want to make 100% sure the player intends to leave.

Open pop-up when receiving on nextRoom and have the Header say Next Room? and the Content say Are you sure you want to go to the next room? You will not be able to return…. Now add a Call to Action Label that transmits on Call to Action Channel nextRoom_c



Go into your loot Vending Machines and set them to activate when receiving on nextRoom_c. This is so that way if the players end up cycling back into the room, the loot will be reactivated.

That’s all for now. Next we will make a room randomizer!

Chapter V: room Randomizer

Before I start I want to note that this randomizer will only work for one-player games. If more than one person plays they will all go through a different route of doors.


  • 4x Trigger
  • [Amt of rooms you have]x Teleporters
  • 2x Property

[Side Note: The system I made works for 40 rooms. Adjust yours accordingly]

Trigger 1 (Special Event Check)

First of all set Trigger by Player Collision to No and Visible In-Game to No. Now it Trigger when receiving on nextRoom_c. Finally have it run this code When triggered…


When a player goes to the room it will check to see if that room has a special event tied to it before increasing property “door”. If there is a Seek Chase, we have to run another trigger that relies on door number so we have to subtract one (which we will put later).

Trigger 2 (Seek Chase I Check)

First of all set Trigger by Player Collision to No and Visible In-Game to No. Now it Trigger when receiving on seekChaseIcheck. Finally have it run this code When triggered…

When the player check for Seek Chase I, it will check to see if the chase has been completed. If it hasn’t then it will give a random chance of the chase starting. Finally, we add back that “door” we took earlier.

Trigger 3 (Seek Chase II Check)

First of all set Trigger by Player Collision to No and Visible In-Game to No. Now it Trigger when receiving on seekChaseIIcheck. Finally have it run this code When triggered…

When the player check for Seek Chase II, it will check to see if the chase has been completed. If it hasn’t then it will give a random chance of the chase starting. Finally, we add back that “door” we took earlier.

WOW! That looks nearly identical! The POWER OF CTRL C + CTRL V!?!?!?!?!

Trigger 4 (Random room)

First of all set Trigger by Player Collision to No and Visible In-Game to No. Now it Trigger when receiving on random. Finally have it run this code When triggered…

When the player goes to a random room it will select a random room # and then broadcast on room[Random Number] (ie, room23)


At the start of each room place a teleporter like so:
Set Visible In-Game to No and Teleporter here when receiving on room[#].
The # should be the Room Number. So your first room is room1, your second room is room2, etc.

Property 1 (Seek Chase I)

Set the Property Type to True/False, and the Default Value to False. Now set Property Scope to player and Property Name to Seek Chase I Complete.

This property stores whether or not Seek Chase I has been complete.

Property 2 (Seek Chase II)

Set the Property Type to True/False, and the Default Value to False. Now set Property Scope to player and Property Name to Seek Chase II Complete.

This property stores whether or not Seek Chase II has been complete.

I pretty sure that that is the most block intensive part of this game (I think don’t quote me on that).

Chapter VI: Hiding Places

So this part of the guide focuses on making the spots where you will hide from various entities. Most of this part is simply making it look nice.


  1. The most basic design requires not effort whatsoever
  2. This one actual takes a bit of effort

So now, set all the props and barriers collision to off


  • 1x Property
  • [Amount of Hiding Spots]x Triggers
  • 2x Speed Modifier
  • 1x Game Overlay


Set the Property Type to True/False, and the Default Value to False. Now set Property Scope to player and Property Name to Hiding.

This property stores whether or not a player is hiding.


When triggered, transmit on hiding. As always make sure to set Visible In-Game to No. Finally When triggered…
Now place this trigger by the entrance to the hiding spot like this:

When a player tries to enter a hiding spot by running into it, they will trigger the trigger.

Speed Modifier 1 (STOP)

The player’s Speed should be 0.00 and Set player to configured speed when receiving on… hiding.

When the player hides it will set their speed to 0 so they can’t abuse hiding.

Speed Modifier 2 (GO)

The player’s Speed should be 1.00 and Set player to configured speed when receiving on… stopHiding.

When the player stops hiding, it will return their speed to them.

Game Overlay

This Overlay Type should be a Button and it’s Overlay Location should be Bottom Right with some Overlay Text that says Stop Hiding. When button clicked, transmit on stopHiding. Now Visible In-Game to No. Now Show overlay when receiving on hiding and Hide overlay when receiving on stophiding. Finally, When receiving on channel stopHiding…

When the player starts hiding a game overlay appears that when clicked, stops them from hiding.

Heheh now we get to start making the special events…

:stop_sign: UNDER CONSTRUCTION 2 CHAPTERS LEFT :stop_sign:

“I know life and fate are scary, but I wanna be l-l-l-legendary!”
- Telemachus

I’m done now.
Signing off now! @harharharhar83

Timothy Mechanic

All your going to need is this

*GimkitSuggestor not Included (Gims sold separately)
First get your trigger and go to blocks
and create a new block
And then press the when triggered button and add this to the code
Screenshot 2024-09-12 1.33.14 PM

Remember one of those channels has to be Timothy
now get your Item granters and set as many as you want to be randomly picked out of the drawer
Lastly Set your Timothy Channel to your spider

Remember to have Timothy hidden on game start and his scope is to the player
Now WALLA you have Timothy Mechanic And Timothy Conveniently already built in to Gimkit

Timothy Hugging player scene

All your going to need is the spider prop and However many minus 1, triggers there is spiders. I used a button to activate the animation but connect it to your Timothy mechanic system if you made that and have all props hidden on game start
The more spiders the bigger it gets to simulate something jumping at your face
I used 4 but you use as much as much as you want to make it cleaner
Now get wires and make it so when spider prop turns on it triggers the trigger

then connect the trigger to the next spider so that spider appears

Dont forget to set your triggers delay to atleast 0.5 to 1 to make it fast
(my Example is not)

and lastly connect the prop to the last prop you used to make the last prop disappear.

Screenshot 2024-09-15 1.06.33 PM

now to end the animation when its over, Get a trigger and make your very last spider connect to it
and this is the wiring

and then make the trigger hide the last spider prop


Your going to need 11 rectangle barriers and 1 metal pole
First, set 6 of them to the font of
R:101, G:83, B:41

I couldnt get a screenshot of it because it would hide the font menu everytime i tried to screenshot

and turn outline off all 6 while at it
Screenshot 2024-09-11 5.59.08 PM

Now for the rest of your barriers set them to
R:170, G:141, B:75 and keep the outline on,
And now turn and shape them to look like this
and remember make it around the same height but slightly higher to simulate the normal height of the closet
Screenshot 2024-09-11 5.56.53 PM
Now get your 6 barriers left aside and turn them as small as possible
And now put them onto your closet like this

Lastly Get your Metal pole and set its color all the way to black and put it in the middle where you see that empty spot

Your Result is this,


Add a button right in front of closet and make it so when you press it you get into closet and when your in closet have another button, but to exit


Turn off collision of barriers and the metal pole to use less memory
Screenshot 2024-09-11 6.13.38 PM

Screenshot 2024-09-11 6.05.50 PM
I dont have wires because Its better to use channels for this specific object but you know what to do (Hopefully) and I have the teleporters and buttons visible so you know where to put them but make them invisible
Screenshot 2024-09-11 6.07.38 PM

And there you go there is your functional doors closet

Rush Mechanic (By LandynSpeedo802)

What You’ll Need
2 Triggers
1 Respawn
2 Zones
Optional: 1 Encounter Randomizer Trigger (See my Item Randomizer Trigger Guide For This!
Tip: If using The Encounter Trigger, don’t use the first zone.

Step 1. Place the zone in front of the entrance of the room. Have it transmit on “Rush_Coming” when the player enters it.
Step 2. Grab one of the triggers and have the delay be from 4-6 seconds. It’s up to you on the delay. Then, have it transmit on “Rush_Here” when triggered and trigger when receiving on “Rush_Coming.”
Step 3. Have the second zone activate when receiving on “Rush_Here” and deactivate on “Rush_Leave.” Then, have it transmit on “Rush_D3ath” when player enters the zone.
Step 4. Have the second trigger receive on “Rush_Here” and the delay be 1.5 seconds. Then, have it transmit on “Rush_Leave.”
Step 5. Have the respawner respawn the player when receiving on “Rush_D3ath.”
And you’re done!

Dupe Mechanic (By LandynSpeedo802)

So, Dupe! Before we get into how to make him, let’s learn what he actually is. Basically, at any given time, you may enter a Dupe Room. There will be multiple door numbers, and you have to memorize which door is the correct one. If you guess wrong and open a “Dupe” door, you will get jumpscared by Dupe and he’ll take some of your help. Sounds complicated, but in truth, this is actually pretty easy! First, let’s look at the art.
This is my own design, but it’s up to you what he wants to look like.

What you’ll need
2 Texts
1 Property
1 Camera Point
1 Damager
1 Zone
1 Trigger
Optionl: 1 Encounter Randomizer Trigger (See my “Item Randomizer Trigger” Guide)
1 Zone, if not using the trigger

Step 1: Create a property and name it Door_Number. Have it be a number property, and set it to player and value to 0.
Step 2. Have it to where every time you enter a room, the Door_Number increases by 1. Then, in the Dupe Room, have there be 2 doors.
Step 3. Go into the code of one of the texts (this is the CORRECT door) and have the text be set to “Get Property Door_Number + 1.” Then, have the OTHER text (this is the DUPE door) set to “Get Property Door_Number -1.” Have them set the text to this when Receiving on “Dupe_Room.”
Step 4. If you are using the zone instead of the trigger, put the zone in front of the entrance to the room and have it transmit on “Dupe_Room.”
Step 5. Have the OTHER zone (the required zone) be in front of the Dupe Door and have it transmit on “Wrong_Door.”
Step 6. Have the Camera Point activate when Receiving on “Wrong_Door,” and have it point towards your Dupe Art. Have it Deactivate on “Dupe_End.”)
Step 7. Have the damager damage set to 25 and damage the player when Receiving on “Wrong_Door.”
Step 8. Have the trigger trigger when receiving on “Wrong Door” and it’s delay be 1.5 seconds. Have it transmit on "Dupe_End.
And you’re done! Simple as that!

Seek Cutscene

Firstly Your going to need As Many Camera Points and triggers that you want Remember You must have the same amount of triggers as camera points you have chosen

Ignore the wires just for Right now

Now You need to get a zone and connect it to the first trigger thats on the left side of the screen,

Now connect That trigger to the first trigger

And copy that through all the triggers you have

Now Get your Camera points and align them as best as you can with your triggers.
Then for each trigger connect each camera point to their designated trigger, and have them set to

once you got that complete, Every 2 triggers, do the same thing but then connect your trigger to another camera point next to it
Set the Camera point on the left to

And Then just copy this process the whole way through
on your last trigger you only have to use 1 wire

Now If I Told you Correctly, you should be able to step on the zone and your screen will
move quite cleanly in the direction Of Seek, when its over you should be put back in your normal camera view And then RUN FOR DEAR LIFE

Seek chase (may be Faulty, Due to Poorly Written Description written)

Your going to need as much zones for as long your chase is gonna be
I am using 5 to make it short so I can explain how to make it, and have 1 delayed trigger to represent that seek is awakening/Cutscene

So first get your zone that will activate the chase and wire it to a counter

and then connect your trigger to your zone that will be the zone that is seeks hitbox I(which if in that zone you uh… :skull:

the wire on the left is going to the first zone and on the right is the activating the chase zone

Now get 1 delayed trigger for every 2 zones that are in your chase.
now connect your first trigger to your second trigger

and connect your first trigger to your first zone thats on the left and have it activate the zone

now connect your second trigger to your next zone for it to activate and the same trigger connect to the first zone for it to deactivate
get another trigger to get the whole process to go on and on for the rest of the chase
(forgive me if this doesnt make sense)

Crucifix Mechanic

You will need 1 zone (for each entity encounter), 1 checker, 1 trigger that is deactivated at game start, 1 overlay set as a button, A item Granter, and whatever dispenses your crucifix

First set your overlay to a button and have it pop up on the bottom right of screen
Now have your trigger connect to your overlay
now get your second trigger and have it when button pressed it triggers that trigger
but this trigger will then hide the overlay

Now get your item granter and set it to whatever item is your crucifix and have it set to -1
and then connect your overlay to the granter

now get your checker and have it check for your crucifix, this is a extra security check to make sure you didnt use your crucifix earlier,
now connect your checker to your first trigger and if the check is successful it triggers the trigger
now get the zone and wire it to your checker
and lastly connect whatever gives you your crucifix and have it wired to the trigger for the trigger to activate

El´ Goblino

Pretty self Explainatory just copy this with barriers and blackboard legs with

this color R:155 G:26 B:3


Like I said posted tommorow


Follow this guide to make snare:
How to make a "Snare" trap! [Difficulty: đźź©]

I will try to make 1 to 2 per day so everyday is a new exciting day to check in here


:+1:good idea
also since regulars cant make anything a wiki except for their own,
you gotta ask blackhole to make it a wiki


Nice guide! you should put this in tug tho.
cant wait for this to be finished!


=D Im happy cant wait to work on this at home, Thanks @Blackhole927




UPDATE BUMP I have officially started the guide
The first one I made is the closet and its mechanic


Also gimkitsuggestor for closet you could add a property and switch it to true to see if they are in a closet so they don’t get knocked by entities, cause I figure most people use zones or lasers to y’know do the work

I like to add on to things :slight_smile:


Okay, nice guide @Gimkitsuggestor! Can I maybe add some stuff? I don’t have much time due to school, but I might be able to help with the guide?
I know you said this though:


Well there would be no entities except for rush when theres closets (from my doors experience)


what Doors mechanics do you know how to make that I may not know how to make?


or ambush

and if your doing screech and idk about eyes, but I would do eyes too.

That’s the only things, but eyes is complicated


Well WE Will try to duplicate it to the best of our abilities


I might make some art for the map? I don’t know, I’m kinda a retired gimkitter right now.


eyes technically cant be replicated you could just make it you can’t get in its line of “sight”

like you might have to click a button called look down as a game overlay and it changes everything to the floor, like its looking down then look back up, you gotta do that to avoid eyes.

That could work. Change some properties and yeah

or easier way: don’t get in front of it :P

or just make a crouch button no need for all that unnecessary thing cause when people crouch they look down and they will technically be below eyes so ye


We will cross that bridge when we reach it


I can if you want me to.


Zones can solve the line of sight problem. Basically, entering zone, leaving zone. easy. Triggers and blocks help too. Properties too. A lot of more stuff .too.


hmmmmmmmmmmmm I will sleep on it/ I will think about it for awhile

maybe I could propose a sharing idea where we have our own versions to show different types for people to choose

1 Like

ye that’s what I kinda said earlier but that works

but its either crouch or look down thing (which is just annoying to do not difficult)


For eyes you could make it random where a popup comes onto your screen saying ¨press look away and if you dont you quickly start losing health¨