The Tamian Coordinate System | Difficulty: 🟨 (Version 2.0)

Can’t you just use the waypoint setting for that?
If, however, you mean that your last location somewhere, say, in a grid, but you teleported out, but you had a waypoint tracking your last location in a specific place, you could just cover the map in waypoints, using the ‘track where device is’ and when it updates it activates the waypoint that is associated with that, and deactivates all others, so it keeps on rendering where you are.
Also probably spouting gibberish.

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This would be an interesting addition to the system, as the waypoint would always be one square away from the player at all times, like the world’s most memory inefficient trail.

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Oh yeah! You could make it work like a trail.

The new coordinate device makes this guide irrelevant now

I know. That’s why I haven’t been bumping this and instead letting it drift into the realm of forgotten guides.


but you could make a guide on my question from earlier

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Not absolutely. The coordinate system is still more memory efficient in less precise areas, for example, which section the player is at on the map rather than tile to tile measurements.