The Tamian Coordinate System | Difficulty: 🟨 (Version 2.0)

Oh, really?

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Yeah, every time a wiki is edited and it’s the last reply, it bumps the topic to the top.

raw or check wiki

tiony bump

i have made this wiki useless for bumping

help me

small> Invisible bump


insert discord rare ringtone sound here


BUMP, I tried this with ball capure zones, it didn’t work. I tried updating it with number blocks, text blocks, making the properties a number or text, it didn’t work.

Edit: Photo of work:
Screenshot 2024-03-25 4.57.31 PM
(Changing thing)

Edit edit: I used ball capure zones with no respawn to do this.

It should work also you can actually do this without blocks and save memory

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Why is this not working? I did everything in the guide but the player position property.

Maybe you need the player position property?

I tried that, nothing happened.

Well, give me about two hours. I have class, the I can look at this.

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Did this for a map I’m working on but used seeds to keep track of what square your on to reduce the amount of block code I would need so I could save space.

That’s really smart! I didn’t think of doing that.
But I see a few drawbacks…

  1. You only have as many spots as you do (1/2 * numberOfSeeds)^2 [assuming its a square].
  2. You’d need a lot of item managers to stop the constant item notifications.
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I just used the same colored seed and granted the player different amounts of seeds. The item manager would then be able to update a property - [Position]

Note: It’s a 9x9 grid. It still takes up a good mount of space though but I need all the space I can get!


Little messy though :frowning:

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I improved this to not use inventory item managers or blocks


Smart! Will keep this in mind if I ever need to make one again

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Oh I also made a rookie mistake in this

you need it to increase, and make the target one more than it’s default and then have that reset the counter.

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This is the perfect kind of mess. You can’t change my mind that this is not the perfect clutter.

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Beautiful isn’t it? :heart_eyes:


Man this guide is awsome, BUMP

@Dragontamer this is a wonderful guide but could you make one that has a way point showing your last location on the grid?

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That’s an interesting idea! I think what I would do is have a property that remembers your last position, and then when you move, it uses concatenation to specify a singular waypoint.
I could just be spouting gibberish, but I think this would work.