The Story of the GimHouse: The Evolution of GimHouses

The Terrain/Props Age
Floors: 1
The Early Gimhouse was one that is now laughed at by many; it is what us, the ones who used Gimkit Creative from the day it was released, would call, “a Noob House”. It does not even have any playable aspects, as it involves NO DEVICES, NO WIRES, NONE NONE NONE. It would have to be very big to take up even 5% memory. It usually featured a kitchen, a bedroom, a bathroom, and a living room. No upper floors or lower floors.

The Start of Devices
Here we begin to see camera view devices for individual rooms and hallways. A button door might be used for the front and/or patio. Another significant change we see in the GimHouse is layering. You can see a more in-depth explanation of layering here. In a nutshell, layers help terrain look less blocky, and gives them their individual, amazing edges.

The Floor Addition
Here, we finally see the Attic and Basement come into play. A button door within the house teleports the player to the Attic/Basement. Sometimes, quests can be found in these places. This house also uses layers of terrain, button doors, and more.

The Doors
Now, button doors, sliding doors, all manner of doors take over the house. You can also spot item spawners with food on tables. Links to door guides:

The Final One
These are the most advanced I know of. There are many bedrooms, bathrooms (with bathtubs, toilets, etc), kitchens, and closets. Some of these rooms can be unlocked later in the game, thanks to devices and wires. Doors are used, and barrier art is abundant.

pictures to be added soon :smiley:
make sure to leave a :heart:


Nice guide @VoidFluffy!

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Nice guide! The Noob house lol

Nice guide, @VoidFluffy! Or should I say VoidFluffy?

lol @Blizzy

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bumping my own post -_- never thought i would sink this low

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Wait, didn’t your username used to be i_looked_down? How did you change it?

i think asking the mods.

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How did you pm the mods?

  1. go to search type mod but don’t hit enter
  2. hit moderators it should be at the bottom
  3. hit message and type it out

don’t do this unless it’s necessary


Ok, thanks.I will keep that in mind for important info.


This looks so weird now. Since you changed your username, @VoidFluffy

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Lol. FR.

Have I been admitted into DOD yet?

Yes. @VoidFluffy

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Changing the subject:
I just realized Roblox Doors is the wrong link, that isn’t the same as literal doors sorry abt that everyone…