The Stomian method of making a fishing system (no blocks) 3/10 or đźź©

So… people hate blocks, blocks make fishing systems, but people like fishing systems…

So people read this guide!

This fishing system isn’t as random as a random number generator, but if you don’t like blocks then it should be good enough, also this costs 2% memory.

How this works

Wire repeaters change a property every 0.1 seconds, and checkers check the property, grant fish, and show a popup.


Part One: Properties and Change.

First, let’s make 2 properties!


Now that we have the properties that we need, we need to make the random number generator

  • Wire repeaters x6
  • Counters x2
  • lifecycle x1

First, let us make our counter

Now connect it to our property
Screen Shot 2024-04-05 at 10.56.58 AM

And Set its target value to 15

now connect it to a wire repeater
wire repeater: 0.1 seconds delay

Counter —> wire repeater: target value hit —> Send wire pulse
wire repeater —> counter: receive wire pulse —> reset counter

Now let’s make a wire repeater loop:

Wire repeater01 —> Wire repeater02: receives pulse —> sends pulse
Wire repeater02 —> Wire repeater01: receives pulse —> sends pulse

now set one of these wire repeaters to have a 0.1-second delay

Connect wire repeater02 to the counter: receives pulse —> increment counter

Now make another counter:

connect it with our second property
Screen Shot 2024-04-06 at 10.50.18 AM

Now set the target value to 3

now connect it to a wire repeater
wire repeater: 0.1 seconds delay

Counter —> wire repeater: target value hit —> Send wire pulse
wire repeater —> counter: receive wire pulse —> reset counter

Now let’s make another wire repeater loop:
Wire repeater —> Wire repeater: receives pulse —> sends pulse
Wire repeater —> Wire repeater: receives pulse —> sends pulse

set one of the above wire repeaters as 0.1 seconds

now connect the loop to the counter:
wire repeater, counter: receives pulse —> increment counter

now get a Lifecycle and connect them to the 1st and 2nd loop.
Event occurs —> send wire pulse

Part 2: Bait Checking and Fishing

item granter x6
wire repeaters x3
trigger x1
button x1

Now make a button

And get a checker
Screen Shot 2024-04-06 at 8.06.28 PM

Now get an item granter
Screen Shot 2024-04-06 at 8.08.12 PM

Wire the checker to the item granter
check passes (ty to clicclac for pointing it out) —> grant item

Now get 3 checkers




Now connect the checker for bait to the 3 checkers

checker(bait), checker02: check passes —> run check
checker(bait), checker03: check passes —> run check
checker(bait), checker04: check passes —> run check

now get a popup
Screen Shot 2024-04-06 at 8.17.49 PM

Header: out of bait
content: go answer questions to get more

go all options
then go to the “icon image” section and insert this:

Now make another pop-up

Now connect the checker(bait) to the popup

check fails —> show popup

Now get another popup and make it say “fishing…”, and make it not closable by player
if you want you can use Blackfox45666’s guide hereto make the three dots move

Now connect the checker(bait) to this popup:
Check passes —> open popup

Now let’s get the 3 wire repeaters

Screen Shot 2024-04-07 at 2.24.39 PM

Screen Shot 2024-04-07 at 2.24.59 PM

Screen Shot 2024-04-07 at 2.25.11 PM

(these times are just for random purposes you can set them to anything, it’s just the time you have to wait before you get a fish)

Now connect our checkers that check the property “fish time randomizer”
and wire them to our wire repeaters

checker02, wire repeater(1.3 secs): check passes —> send wire pulse
checker03, wire repeater(2.2 secs): check passes —> send wire pulse
checker04, wire repeater(2.7 secs): check passes —> send wire pulse

now connect all the wire repeaters to the fishing popup

wire repeater(1.3 secs), popup(fishing): receives pulse —> close popup
wire repeater(2.2 secs), popup(fishing): receives pulse —> close popup
wire repeater(2.7 secs), popup(fishing): receives pulse —> close popup

Now get a trigger, and set the channel to broadcast to “fish” or whatever for fishing

now connect the wire repeaters to this trigger
wire repeater(1.3 secs), trigger: receives pulse —> trigger
wire repeater(2.2 secs), trigger: receives pulse —> trigger
wire repeater(2.7 secs), trigger: receives pulse —> trigger

Now get 5 checkers, these will check what fish you get


checks for checker01:

Value of Property
Fish randomizer
equal to

Value of Property
Fish randomizer
equal to

Value of Property
Fish randomizer
equal to

Value of Property
Fish randomizer
equal to

Value of Property
Fish randomizer
equal to


checks for checker 02

Value of Property
Fish randomizer
equal to

Value of Property
Fish randomizer
equal to

Value of Property
Fish randomizer
equal to

Value of Property
Fish randomizer
equal to


checks for checker03

Value of Property
Fish randomizer
equal to

Value of Property
Fish randomizer
equal to

Value of Property
Fish randomizer
equal to


checks for checker04

Value of Property
Fish randomizer
equal to

Value of Property
Fish randomizer
equal to


check for checker05

Value of Property
Fish randomizer
equal to

Now get 5 item granters

item granter01
Screen Shot 2024-04-08 at 10.38.24 AM

item granter02
Screen Shot 2024-04-08 at 10.38.43 AM

item granter03
Screen Shot 2024-04-08 at 10.39.04 AM

item granter04
Screen Shot 2024-04-08 at 10.39.34 AM

item granter05
Screen Shot 2024-04-08 at 10.39.54 AM

Now the fishing system is done, but wouldn’t it be nice if the fish gave you depressing messages when they were caught like this?

Then use the information from the “Out of bait” popup section and come up with a depressing message for each fish!
(share yours in the reply section)

And you should have a working fishing system!



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A few things: Nice guide. Should the wire from the checker to get item granter if you have bait be check passed? What about the Stomian guide?


no, it check doesn’t pass, becasue “greater than 0” so if it doesn’t pass then must be out of bait

and I didn’t see the stomian guide, I am going to look for it

could you tell me who made the stomian guide?

No, im pretty sure ClicClac meant that you could name yours the stomian guide since people on the forum would add “-ian” at the end of their name/nickname on the forum if there was already a similar guide as to not get people confused, or just an aesthetic preference like DragonTamer (no offense to him btw) naming his guides “tamian” even there weren’t any similar guides


OHhh, thx for explaining, “Stomian” sounds COOL! I’ll change it!


Wait, so if the check for having more than 0 bait fails, it takes one bait?

oh… sorry I think I messed that one up

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Yeah, I think I’ll just use blocks…

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