The Rise of Technical Gimkit

Hi there.

If you haven’t noticed, the forums are dying a little bit. Nowadays, most topics are limited to “how do I make this simple contraption” or “here is a guide on how to do something that has been done 16 times before.” There’s no hate, of course, but it’s getting a little stale.
I know I’m not alone in saying this. There’s been a lot of talk about reforming the forums, making them better and more intuitive. One of the points (in the post attached) that I took real notice of was this:

what we need is engineers, computer engineers that will revolutionize the gim world, to a new stage of computing and mind-boggling feats

After some thinking, I’ve realized that this is absolutely true. The community has hit a wall, a wall of commitment. Everything simple has been done. If we want the forums to rise up again, be known for something, anything at all?

We need a revolution.

In order for the community as a whole to regain interest (it’s natural that we all leave because there’s nothing left to do) we need to prove that there is stuff left to do. Take quantum mechanics. I’m currently waist-deep in quantum research around absolutely absurd things. How can we research those? What about @Blackhole927’s chess project? The man is recreating a functional chessboard. IN GIMKIT.

There’s so much left to do, and it breaks my heart that nobody seems to be doing it. Technical Gimkit isn’t for everyone. But you won’t really know until you try. And that’s all I’m asking. Give it a try. Make something weird, see what happens. You never know. It could start a movement.

Thank you for reading.
shdwy out.


I’m making a text display for platforming and hopefully fps’s.


Nice! Wait, what? How lol


One question: can a repeater repeat forever? If so then it can trigger branches of recursion, getting infinite recursion.


Can’t you just make it end on an empty channel?


Yeah, but recursion stops at 300 reps, so repeaters could also stop.


Welp, there’s only one way to find out.

Does wiring one repeater to another, with when repeater stops → start repeater, work?


Well, if repeaters stop, it would stop after 90,000 reps. Also, my personal opinion on technical Gimkit and the “dead” forums is to give it time. A lot of new users just joined, it’ll take time for the skill level of the average helper to increase back to where it was in June. (That may be because there were fifteen or so Gimkit fanatics on in June, but that’s for another day.) Gimkit is also primarily geared towards people with no coding experience, like chrome music lab. As someone who can’t get gravity to work on Scratch WITH a tutorial running next to me, I can sympathize with this group and say that TGC is not easy to get into. I felt out of the loop when getrithekd posted about the not f(x) functions! If I could without spending a good portion of my time learning about computer stuff, I would. But that’s just not the case. For things like bitwise, you have to be in the know to even know what that is, let alone how to help. Now, I’ve gone off on an off topic tangent about my opinions on highly technical and block code based GKC, and it’ll probably be flagged. But I would like to end with a thought. In this forum, the one you guys are building that is all about TGC, you can’t just make a new account, ask a question, and be ready to start making games/guides.


why 90 thousand?


I’ve found out that the 300 “limit” on concurrent tasks for AUO repeaters in 1 tick actually applies on the whole map rather than a single device, which means that AUO mechanisms that depend on instantaneous recursion won’t work.




10 concurrent tasks could be a multi threaded recursion
or it could be really fast repeater


They don’t.


People seem to be confused about the recursion limit.

The recursion limit is 301. It only runs when devices are chained with no delay. Just having something run fast is not recursion, it’s just a fast loop. The repeater would run forever, unless it had no delay, in which case it would either not run, or run 301 times.

@teapot I’ve found the same thing, but what do you mean by AUO repeaters and AUO mechanisms


I thought that recursion was just looping.


the computer science definition of recursion is a function that calls itself, but here it’s a little bit looser of a definition.
basically, any system of devices that calls itself indefinitely and without delay is a ‘recursive’ system. For example, a trigger channel calling another trigger channel calling the first trigger is recursive, and as such will trigger 300ish times.


By AUO mechanism I meant systems that loops in a specific order, in which case if a system is wired in the wrong order, it wouldn’t display any value, also are your perhaps using a 1 trigger looping system? Since it activates 301-302 times rather than 300 times due to using less devices. (loop limit due to game preventing memory leaks)


Does anyone have the link to the guide about the chess tutorial? Is it on the Blackhole927 website?


I don’t think there is a chess tutorial yet.


This is very true, I haven’t seen a technical guide, or even a hard one in forever. Most help topics and guides I see recently has been made before.