Randomizers are great. Editor, what were my lines again? “Continue with the post because not many people even read the intro?” Okay.
(maybe we should have a “power-of” tag)
If you want to add something, please don’t edit the wiki, but instead add it in the comments. Also, this project is mostly discontinued.
Items (By LandynSpeedo802)
You can use this guide to make an item randomizer!
Introducing: The Item Randomizer Trigger! 4/10 🟨
If it weren’t for randomizers, we wouldn’t have fishing. And yes, Fishtopia fishing chances are indeed random. However, note that if your old forum fishing system doesn’t work, then you have Advanced Block Order (ABO) to be mad at.
Being Simple
Randomizers can only be made in blocks, as far as I know, but they’re relatively simple. All you need is one block that does it for you:
You need a range (you MUST use two number blocks from the Math section of the block menu) and a result for each one of them. Simple, right? Just don’t make too many results though.
Fake AI-Generated Content
AI is cool. Well, until people train it to do bad things (GimAI) or replace their content with AI (not naming names anymore). However, with randomizers, you can make fake AI and make it look like it was actually AI-generated! The downside with this is:
- …you only have 75 block-limit that you have to work with.
- …you’ll need a lot of blocks to make it look like it was truly randomized (see above).
- …regardless of what you use, it’s still going to be 0.5% memory. That means that if you want four of these, that’s 2% memory used up.
The block code could only be used with popup, notification, or text devices.
Randomized Teleportation
Randomized teleportation is pretty easy to do. You can just spam teleporters (with the same group/target group) or make a randomizer to decide where you teleport to.
Randomizers with Multiple Outputs
You can create randomizers with multiple outputs. All you have to do is create 1 variable for each output, set each one to a random integer, then use an if
function, that checks if there is a set of variables that have the same value. If that is true, there is a channel broadcasted on so it can restart again. If the channel is not broadcasted, then you start to broadcast messages on channels for the actual randomizer. The link to the original guide.
~This section is made by @Bardy_2913 :D