A Documentary On the Counter [WIP]

Same here! I took a break from it - I’m working on the variables right now.

Use this guide

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Can we please get on topic now!

Thanks @Blizzy for the new Pfp

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i have placed currently 231 vending machines in my map someone help me

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Check the date.

IT’S 800


Not necessarily?


can we not argue?
The point is it’s high enough you should not have to worry about the placement limit

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@FusionLord, the general format is okay, but to copy the exact same format of my guide and the details seems extreme.

no, it will be flagged immediately no doubt, as there are literally ZERO settings. I won’t flag it but I’m sure it will be flagged. You don’t have to make a guide for the sake of making a guide. Camera View has no settings, it’s the simplest device in the game, there is no need for an entire guide, no need to make them just because.


Do you want me to just delete it ?(Now I think it’s a better idea just to delete it) AND rewrite it.

Don’t advertise @VWOOM

Somebody called for art?

In AMERICAN spirit, I am doing it myself, you can still read it though.



It has finished, to read, read my bio and click featured topic, enjoy, I worked hard.

That is not right. @MOON :slight_smile: Also that will be in my guide just to be warned but you can use it :slight_smile: