A Documentary On the Counter [WIP]

That post i deleted will start a chance in a fight between Vwoom and me.

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Oh. I never saw that guide! Good to know.

this is nice! I really like the drawings!

did you seriously have to copy that as well?
the rest is just nature-of format, but that, was exclusive to mineā€¦ :frowning_face:

this is nice, but isnā€™t there already enough guides on the counter?

a global counter kindly announcing that it has reached its target:


Thereā€™s no block code in counters.

you canā€™t just claim guide ideas until you post it

Nice guide!
I think Iā€™m going to make an On the Nature of the Vending Machine


I really wanted to do one on block code

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also @FusionLord you copied parts of gimsolverā€™s guide
you might want to change that

Can I do one on camera view? I think it would be interestingā€¦

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It might be a bit shortā€¦ But sureā€¦
But itā€™ll probably be too short. There arenā€™t any settings in the Camera View

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as long as there is plenty of information and is interesting
btw you donā€™t have to ask

Ok, that is all I need to know.

Hey! I was making something like that!

(itā€™s okay you can make something like that).

Do you want me to? Iā€™ve already started.

You can keep itā€¦ mineā€™s going to be a little different I thinkā€¦

What is it?



This is my drawing: