The Guides Debate

We’re talking about this forum, not the discord server.

This entire string is crazy.

Also, so much of it is true.

Don’t trust high/middle schoolers to regulate a discourse server.

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(because that’s most of the forum)

(me included)

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AND, the admins there are more active then here. If anything, we need TL4 even more than discord needs mods.


No wonder why we’re active in 7 am.

No, not really, jeffo is the only much active here, i don’t know what josh or pharlain is doing. Only 1 mod is taking care of the forums.

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I haven’t heard about pharlain in months…

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Pharlain was active on another part of gimkit’s website somehow

My point exactly…


They checked the forum yesterday…

We need wips because you can only carry one topic at a time. I’ve made wips because of that one thing.


Yeah, but sometimes WIPs go to The WasteLands because the editing limit stopped them. Making more WIPs make horrible clutter.

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A solution would be to let people have multiple drafts.

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Would the key problems in this topic be summarized as
only one mod is active.
the WIP tag is overused.
we have no tl4 users to help the mods.

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The discord mods range from middle school to high school, and they are doing perfectly fine.

Some have been mods for a bit over a year and there hasn’t been any incidents yet.

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Basically, since there would be no tl4, tl3 is the last trust level in this forum.

And to @LxmasHasCandy point, there aren’t enough of those to manage, and they don’t have enough power.

So then why don’t they just add a tl4?
The user doesn’t even have to be great at helping with GKC problems, just an assistant to the mods that keeps order.

I’ve only been here three days, and I can see this working. As long as the tl4 isn’t corrupt and doesn’t support


the nonsense of the early server

it would work.

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Again, TL4 has too much power and they don’t trust them.

I disagree. As long as TL4s that care deeply about the community, like navy for example, are picked, it will be perfectly fine. The discord has demonstrated that some teenagers can be trusted not to abuse that power.


this is the reason why we need TL4s. I’ve (kind of) been trusted in the community imo. Although i did say mods can’t trust some people with tl4, but i agreed to blackhole.

The problem for all of this is that the mods don’t think we need it.
How would we convince them?
(assuming spamming the mods is a bad idea)

Also, can the mods kick someone from tl4 to, say, tl2?

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