The Guides Debate

It grants the ability to edit others’ posts.


Eh, I suggested this a while ago.


oh, i did not know that, well maybe some day one of us super active and popular folks that has been part of the community for a long time will get it.

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Actually, I don’t think they disabled the leader feature because of leader abuse. This is because every action a TL4 makes is totally reversible. Unlisted or closed a post? You can just un-close it. Edited another post? Just restore the history.

I think it’s a different variant. They don’t trust us to make the right decisions. The mods would just have to undo all the bad decisions TL4s made. Or, they just never realized TL4 was from staff promotion :person_shrugging:


When I say right decision I mean “closing a post when it shouldn’t have been closed” or something like that.

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Based on other certain incidents I would not trust people here to become tl4 unless the mods limit their abilities.


It’s too bad. Whoever gets power will inevitably make a sour decision.

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I’d trust Navy to make a good decision. Not sure about anyone else though. And even trusting Navy is a risk.

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What about me?
(I kid, I kid)

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I would NOT trust you out of everyone here.


I’m working on a Guide thats wip, everytime I finish it, I bump it. Is that spam?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters


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I do not trust myself with having too much power, so I think the mods made the right decision.



I would trust you the most out of here. If you can not trust yourself, that says a lot about this forum.


No one’s infallible. You get more fallible the younger you are. I’m guessing that 99.9% of the users on the forum (and all the helpers, me included) have not graduated high school. The best way to make TL4s work IMO would be to have like three or four that are made TL4 at a time. Every time one of them edit something that they didn’t make (like someone’s post, not the title), the other three get notified and have to agree to change it. That way, you can’t abuse the power, and are held accountable for your actions.


I should be trusted. What bad things have I done? (ironic moment real lol)

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It gives the ability to edit people’s posts, close topics, unlist it, etc.

I’ve been wondering when they will pick a TL4… I mean there are mods in the discord server that have that kind of power, why not here as well?

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Sort of Off-Topic

More like the “Boom of New Naive Users and A Lot of Inexperience and Awkwardness While They Get Used To The Forums” Era.

Honestly, I believe that we need to spread the word about the editing limit and the guidelines for the WIP guides.

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Probably the only reason why they haven’t invited TL4 members yet is because they very powerful and can easily abuse their power.

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But there are mods in the discord server with the same, if not even more power. Mods can timeout people, mute people, create new channels, delete channels, things that TL4s couldn’t do. Mods could also pin messages, delete messages, and more.

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