The Guides Debate

We’re in 2 eras:

  1. The WIP era
  2. The Debate Era (i guess?)
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yes you can, you can pretty much tinker with every setting on discourse, it is insane how much an admin can do and change.

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And the among us era, a lot of among us stuff lately.

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Anyways, we need to continue debating about WIPs now!

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The moderators are responsible for keeping the community safe and reviewing flags. The admins are responsible for adding new things and updates.

yeah, and why not have tl4"s they cant edit the rules or change them, so why is the none yet?

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They don’t really trust anyone for that. 1, there’s a lot of children on this site, and 2, it’s overpowered and you can easily abuse it.


I think that we should be able to flag unused WIPs so they get pulled down, but the user doesn’t get a flag. Something like that.

Maybe one day, someone will achieve the power of TL4. Currently, we can only dream…


It’s really overpowered, and it’s easy to abuse.

I wish we could… unlist topics until they were finished. However, unlisting is a TL4+ feature.

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Well, they do have moderators in the discord server.

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We may need to find a way to get rid of unused WIPs. The only way i know is to get the mods to unlist it. But that could annoy them easily.

That would be very slow, as the mods aren’t usually on the forums.

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I mean, regulars’ edits are not public and are irreversible…
They kinda have nothing to lose.

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I think that you guys can all make a PSA about how to use the draft feature instead of the wip tag.

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That could also…

Another PSA? We should make “Forum Announcements” or something instead.

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Annoucements would be updates by the mods?

I gtg now.

how is it over powerd? it does not grant abilitys so i don’t see why.

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That is a better idea that mine, thanks!

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