The Guides Debate

About the notepad or the google doc, you could also save it as a draft by clicking “cancel” and clicking “Save Draft For Later”. But i don’t get why new users ingore that button.

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No, about the PSAs about the WIP.

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Yeah. Guides with some info in them are acceptable, but guides with nothing are not okay.

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what in the world guys this is what happened to me. the amount of posts in the short amount of time

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That’s your choice I guess. Before you do that I’ll tell you if a mod responds about this. If you want I could do it instead if it’s faster, but again it’s your choice.


I messaged the mods.

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Off-topic also, but all i see is regulars discussing except 1 basic user

@here So how about this. Do not discuss wips in any way other than in this post for now, until we get input. That way this doesn’t cause further issues/conflicts.


I messaged them about something else and added an edit about wips. Wait until they respond, then either I’ll tell you or I’ll make one myself.


Wow, we have a whole lot of tag debates going on.

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I’m putting this topic to “watching” now.

My thoughts are that empty WIPs are “punishable”, and WIPs with at least some effort put into them should be “kept”.

Also, my message:


Personally, I think that WIPs are fine, until you can’t edit them, and then and only then should they be flagged. The info should be saved though.

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Punishable and Kept are… not decided yet.

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@here Also note this notepad is offline capable, so i suggest using this.

I think that it will be very helpful to make a PSA about WIPs, as it will catch new users attention.

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I think discourse allows for an increase on the editing limit, you think the mods would want something like that?

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The worst part is all the WIP guides that extend the editing-day-limit. What a waste and all the clutter.

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I don’t really think that exists.

Sheesh, this era has a lot of debates.

I’m pretty sure you can increase the editing limit for a trust level, lemme check.

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