The Guides Debate

People asked the mods about this?

Yeah they can kick someone from tl4 to tl2. I personally have been kicked down to a new member before.

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Yep, the mods can demote people, even if they’re tl4.

What? No.
I don’t think they have asked the mods about this.
They asked them about changing WIP permissions tho.

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What caused you to become tl0? You’re back to tl2 + 1, though…

So then maybe use a trial period for a tl4 user.

Though I think the mods don’t have the time to babysit a new tl4 to make sure they aren’t corrupt. I feel like this isn’t their full-time job…

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Some people they know from looking at the forums aren’t corrupt.
Example: @NavyCatZ


The forum might be Jeffo’s full time job. Josh for updating and working on new gamemodes or something, Pharlain…Idk.

It isn’t. Just a side job I think.

Hm, okay. Also @Blackhole927

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I think you get banned when you say why you were kicked down.
Or talk too much about other incidents. (IAmig)

Question. When did the arrival of a lot of wips appearing, but no one finishing them??

Yesterday or before yesterday.

alright so recently…

Off topic posting

I think some users (not naming names) have been using them to share codes and stuff.

Okay, but atleast you didn’t get a suspension (unlike me ;-; )

Okay, I’d love to keep discussing, but I can’t be online for the next 2.5 hours.
I’ll check back in after.

Yeah, i also gotta go, school is about to start and i need to be ready. Cya, i’ll check back in

Pharlain had gave me a PM when I was unsilenced and also when my trust level was unlocked. Pharlain is just checking the forums and seeing if anything is needed.