The Guides Debate

No, I am going back to Rocky West’s farm soon. (aka farmchain)

Uhh, alright. Cool. [}{]

everything I have mentioned is actual lore

anyway I’m going to stop off topic posting.

I need mars…

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I might have a solution(bear with me):

So members of the community(TL1 and TL2 presumably) will vote on which TL3(s) will be promoted to TL4. These polls will occur between certain dates, and the poll will close after the deadline. Using alts for extra votes and other immoral ways to change the results of the election will result in the appropriate punishment (demotion, warns, bans, etc). The contenders for the TL4 role will a have a sort of resume, where things like the amount of activity, the quality of posts, guides, and replies, the regard for the forum rules, overall kindness and their will to accept TL4 privileges and responsibilities will affect the final decision by the mods for the final results of the TL4 election (The mods make the final decisions). There should be a balanced proportion of TL4s and the community size, to ensure the most efficiency. If a TL4 wishes to retire (due to things like inactivity), they will announce their intentions and be appropriately demoted to TL3, and a replacement election should take place. (All normal elections could either be in regular intervals or on an as needed basis.)

Do you think this is a good idea?


How about there are ten TL4s chosen, and the retiring one gets to pick the next?

That could create bias. It’s best to keep it either to the mods or the community.


I still think the mods won’t give TL4.

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Well, I think they may reconsider the decision.

As I said, the actions of a TL4 are completely reversible (by the other TL4s, the mods wont have their time wasted), and therefore there will be no abuse.

The devs might also be more reluctant to give TL4, since this forum is directly linked on the website, rather than indirectly, like the discord is.

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Okay, but it is kind of hard to find.

Okay, voting isn’t that bad except that then there would be more leaders than regulars.

TL4s cannot normally delete posts.

Yeah, Lxmas means things like pinning, unpinning, unlisting, splitting and merging…

There are only four discord mods. We only need 3-4 leaders, max.

Okay, sure.

The problem with having a TL2 and TL1 vote is that we aren’t experienced enough (Probably) to vote for the Tl3 to go up. And as it could also create biased opinions.

tl2 is (they been here a while)
you can make a poll that only a certain trust level can vote