The Graphing Calculator Guide | Difficulty: šŸŸŖ

Graphing calculator bump :slight_smile:
Also updated the reference link to actually work lol





its okay our glorious king pi creature green fish mysz owo

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@Blackhole927, isnā€™t this advertizing? :thinking:

heā€™s not advertising, he is providing an example


please stop spamming

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Wut am I doing to hurt you?
Thats rightā€¦NOTHING*

Yes, I get that, but in doing so, heā€™s violating the rules and giving a link to his game. Isnā€™t that against the rules? :thinking:

youā€™re literally spamming random stuff all over a guide someone worked on. how about you just dont post useless things???


ik hacker responded already but itā€™s like showing what the final product should look like because itā€™s not like you can just snap a picture and call it done because thereā€™s animations in it

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Okay. Should I give him access to the Padlet?

Edit: Okay - 1 sec. Donā€™t forget, the game comes out on the 11th, so weā€™ve gotta hurry.

Itā€™s providing a very valuable reference. This guide is one that doesnā€™t go into extreme detail, so I felt it would be a good idea for people to have some sort of end product they can reference.

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Okay, ig that makes sense. I just wanted to make sure it wasnā€™t against the rules. :+1:

@Blackhole927, I tried playing your game and it was really glitchy - the text blocks didnā€™t really form any pattern when I tried it. Maybe a glitch?


@Cellofive, wanna work on the game?

Iā€™ve just verified that the graphing calculator does work, abeit a bit slowly. Maybe you can send an image of what you see?

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I tried it yesterday and the text blocks were everywhere. Give me 1 sec and Iā€™ll go back and get a screenshot. :sunglasses:

I would say itā€™s caused by a different aspect ratio, but he used text and not a popupā€¦

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That doesnā€™t exactly look like a parabola:


Itā€™s supposed to look like that. Donā€™t believe me? Go into desmos and graph it.