The Gimkit Awards!

the jam thingy

I ran the gim jam last year in October. You may or may not remember that.

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Blackhole and Unstable are the only ones that can use this category.

I already know the answer to this: No.

I wonder where you got the idea to do this… :roll_eyes:

Please say yes! :pleading_face: You doing this makes it so no one will be paying attention to my Gimmie Awards, so I just wasted 2 WHOLE MONTHS of my life. Please!!!

Yessir, we are. We planned the event, so only we can post about it. Should make sense, It does to me.



My eyes. Light mode.

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Neat. Seems like it’ll be cool. Good luck to everyone.

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@Caternaught we still need to do a collab together

Cat's eyes only

man, we need a better way to chat, I think I have my g-mail somewhere, let me find it

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Oh so it only available to u guys, that’s what gimsolver was saying?

Mate, we didn’t steal your idea. We started planning this in December of 2023.
I was going to email you about this, but you decided to take your sweet time with it.


I do remember that, but I didn’t participate

I would like to help, too, if you would allow it

neither did i, and i have even less popularity than your blog and i’m happy

my point is that you don’t need popularity to be happy

oh and i spent 4 months working on my awards and i’m not sad


Nice. Good Luck Have Fun Chat

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Don’t worry Eiqy. I still give you 200 likes whenever I can.

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My teacher made me close my computer when I was going to start emailing you.

Can I please join your crew? I need to make sure the last 2 months weren’t for nothing. :sob: :rofl:

Welcome to the forums, @lucker !


here ya go

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i think we need to calm down

hey @unstable if multiple people work together on a map and it wins 1st does the reward get split up between them or does it only go to the owner