The Gimkit Awards!

That reply was an hour ago.

But, yes this is kinda a chat.

apologies [1]

  1. rest of me staying silent right now :eyes: ↩︎

Yeah I just wanted to mention it. (sorry for bumping)

It’s not really a bump since it’s already the most recent topic in its category.
Anyways, I’m getting back on topic.

I’m too lazy to search the replies, so is this yearly or monthly?

I believe yearly, but they did not do it last year as GKC had just been released.

Oh. Do you know how new you have to be to get NUOTM?

Yeah. You can only get it at the end of the month you joined. For example, if I joined in September, I could only get NUOTM that month.

Ok. (I’m kinda being a hypocrite (me saying this is a chat) but I can’t ask this in a topic so. . .) That means if I joined at the end of a month, I can’t get NUOTM for the next month right?

Finally someone used hypocrite as the right definition lol.

Nah, sorry. I wish I could’ve, too. May’s NUOTM were @Spedo32 and @Unlimited.
Anyways, I’m getting back on topic now. [1]

  1. no exceptions! ↩︎

There’s no point into trying to get NUOTM if you’re very active.


Last off-topic post for me:
How do you even get NUOTM?

wow. a lot has been said!
I’m excited to hear the results video is almost done!
I can’t wait so share it with users on the wix when it releases!

any guesses from other users, who do you think would win?

I don’t really have an opinion on this myself,
but I would like to hear other opinions!


VoidFluffy maybe. Some of his stuff makes me feel like my vision is blurry, but it still is good! I like his art style and the way he makes thumbnails.


Thank you, but I. AM. A. GIRL.


Your art is also really good! [1]

  1. I just prefer @VoidFluffy’s sry lol ↩︎

YOUR A GIRL?!?!?!?!?!?l


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I am also surprised (no offense), but we’re getting off-topic.

I have been saying that I am a girl since the beginning of time