The Gimkit Awards!

You can safely rest assured that no DLD copy maps won.


I bet it was Ascent of Mount Snowy. It’s the best Gimkit game ever, no cap. :smile_cat:


Good, DLD was super cool when it came out I heard, but if there are 1000 versions of DLD… then it starts to become boring.

Hi! I really wish I could, but high-school finals are going on for the next 2 days, so I’ll be fairly occupied, I’m sorry!! :(( However, I had a selection of awards already done from when I started working on them, so I’ll put those here.
Screenshot 2024-04-12 9.53.12 AM
Screenshot 2024-04-11 1.31.39 PM

Screenshot 2024-04-11 8.25.27 AM


You have about a week!

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We’ll see where I’m at if I remember to do the rest!

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wow that looks so good

Once again, giving luck and wishes to everyone:

My school year is almost over, tomorrow is my last day before I go forward with a new adventure!
as I may be less active,

I am hoping everyone will still hold their creativity and love for gimkit.
I’m really excited to see the results soon, and to congratulate the winning nominees
from behind the screen.

I appreciate everyone’s support on my gimkit journey this year,
and I hope we can have another good year in the next!

as always,
stay true to yourself, be yourself,
and try to keep positive (or act it) 24/7,
even when you’re traveling a rocky road.

stay creative,
from Kat_Mac :partying_face:


Update: Maybe I can push out a few, can’t guarantee I’ll finish but high hopes!

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Thank you so much! And don’t worry about time constraints, me and unstable also have finals, so we can’t really work right now either. In fact, I finished one of mine about 20 minutes ago haha.


Yes, they are on-going right now, so maybe I could work on them in-between.

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Here’s another one done, only 3 to go! I’m stuck with what to make for
Best GKC Mini-game and Best Game Remake. Any ideas?


Let me think for a bit… maybe for best game remake some sort of thing that represents like “gimkit edition”?
I have no clue really.

I was thinking of having d00m - level 1 be on a computer screen, as it’s an internet tradition to recreate d00m on anything that can run equations.

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For the best game remake one, try putting in references to popular games. Since you have to remake something.

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You could put a gimkit screen on a computer, with a gim running around, with like a game title inside of it.

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Noo! No @Kat_aronii, too! :sob:

Mmm, rocky road ice cream. :ice_cream:

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Can you not edit quotes it looks like someone else said it.


please don’t edit quotes because that’s how someone got silenced