The Gimkit Awards!

Honestly, I have no idea. Go ask one of the other two devs for AoMS.[1]

  1. Which would be WhoAmI and Top Z. ↩︎

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We know the results, yes. Google forms actually auto-counts the results.

Anyway things are progressing pretty fast, so you’ll get to see them pretty soon :slight_smile:


Okay. What part did you make for the game, @ClicClac? :smile:

Ooh, yay! I wonder who won what? :sweat_smile:

This is off topic, so maybe somewhere/sometime else?[1]

  1. I made the mechanics and Chapter 3. ↩︎


How do I qualify my game to be voted on? I have a map I made that I want to participate.

so who won in the catergories?

We’re going to have to wait a week for the results.


First, go back in time about two months. Second, get like 10K plays on your map to make it famous.


Gee, that helps. JK. I just want plays on moi map😏


Dude. The final voting ended a few days ago.

I honestly don’t know what is going on.

people are discussing something that won’t have any results for a week.

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Ah, I see.

When exactly is it?


I agree but i remember saying smth personal and i didnt see any strangers spying on me but im still aware

showcase this?

I think cause it’s used to warn the forum user that this is a showcase, and it’s off topic. But then it’s kinda useless when you realize only regulars can do it, and regulars have the power to change the title, so wouldn’t changing the title be more effective and eye catching?


We don’t know when the results will exactly be announced, but they’ll be announced hopefully before next week. We have to make a video, and unstable has finals, so it’s gonna take a bit.


Aren’t most people using school issued Chromebooks? And they can’t use Gimkit until school starts? Then that will be bad timing.

Either way i’m excited!

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I’m using a school issued chromie, but they aren’t taking it from us over the summer.


For me, I am using one but only certain people have their Chromebook taken from them. And i’m not one of them. But I also have a PC so it doesn’t matter

But if one of the winner is a DLD copy, I’m mad at them. :rage:


That wouldn’t win. All maps should be reviewed thoroughly before being put on the voting form.