The Gimkit Awards!

That was a bit, rude, don’t you think? You could have just asked or told him to stop randomly chatting.

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imma work on my gimkit now see ya!

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I’m just wondering, but do I have to submit a map to be in the competition?

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You should tell some other people that… I was trying to mind my own business when I saw this notification for like 400 more replies anyway…

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This post is sort turning into a Updates post… -_-

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i think you send the map to them…

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That almost never works


Yeah but its leo, he at least understands the rules and what he is doing.


I’m done with people who are part of the problem saying get back on topic. Flag it if you want.

Unless you’re asking for help with figuring out what categories a game might qualify for, it’s off topic.

There are 10 categories that you or your map can be nominated for. There will be a nomination form where you or your map can be nominated.

Yeah, and those replies were mostly on topic, so that doesn’t matter.


But how do I do that? I’m kind of confused.

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Here’s the info for the voting system:


go to publish the the top button create the link for them to play

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At least someone can respect my well-being…


not flagging it… was just more or less butting in. I’ll shut up now[1]

  1. because 60% of yall would like that ↩︎


Alright thanks! I appreciate your help.

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I apologize for my aggressiveness, I got a bit overprotective of this post. Remember that replies aren’t inherently bad, if they on topic, which most of the ones here are. I get seriously ticked off when people point out high reply counts like they’re a bad thing.

Still, I’m gonna try and get less annoyed when people do stuff here.


Thumbnail (Original):

Choose your Cabin:

Captain Portal:

Passenger Cabin (First Class):

Outer Deck:

Gamemode Island:

Ignore the game codes. I forgot to cover the codes in these screenshots.

can we post our games… or is there a voting

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Well. it’s not that they are a bad thing… for me it is just that I like having my notifications on to see when people need help, so I can help them when needed but seeing like something in my notifications that says there is like 400 new replies for something makes it funny that people are " So interested in the topic " when actually most are talking about random stuff that is not needed…

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There is a voting system, and we might make an advertising post or something.