The Gimkit Awards!

You do you. The idea of an awards both on and off the forums isn’t like something I can control haha. But let’s stay on topic here, the gimmie awards are off topic.


I have a few questions about this.

  1. What is the deadline for this?
  2. How do you enter?
  3. Can you enter maps made by 2 people and split the reward(s)?
  4. Can you win in more than one category?
  1. Nominations begin in May.
  2. There will be a google form that you can be entered in.
  3. Yes, you can. Rewards will be distributed to both people in this case.
  4. Yes, in theory, although I doubt anyone will do that.

One final question…for now I think

  1. How do I enter/get into the Google form?

also, will there be a FAQ made?

It’s a google form… you fill it out. The form will be sent out here on the forums or in the discord, anyone can fill it out.

Probably not.


Since I don’t have discord, when and where would the form be posted on the forums?

May, and there will be a topic made in the Gimkit Awards category.


Blackhole, you said that you would consider the idea of letting showcase links enter, because some people don’t want to spend 1000 gimbucks publishing a map that probably won’t win, and for 3rd place they would just barely get their money back… so not much of an award

So have you come to a conclusion?

original post

Yeah. We really just need showcase links to verify the map actually exists. So submit them if you want, but unfortunately due to the nature of the voting process they’re very unlikely to win. See, the most nominated maps move on to the next voting phase, so the showcase link would have to be submitted by many people, and showcase links tend to not be shared around that much.

So… yes. You can submit them.

It appears the post has been closed. For any further questions, just edit this wiki.

@Blackhole927, when exactly in May will your Gimkit Awards be? Do you have an estimate date? [1]
@Gimkit101 yes, but things are still being changed so it won’t be announced yet.
Okay, @Blackhole927! Thanks for the info.

  1. Sincerly, Gimkit101! :sunglasses: ↩︎


This topic is temporarily closed for at least 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.

This topic was automatically opened after 4 hours.

Yay! It’s reopened. :smile_cat:

@Blackhole927, are these all of your awards or will there be any more added?

he’s already answered it - no, josh only wants to do what he signed up for, just like how you would


Okay, I just wanted to check. :smile_cat: [1]

  1. LOL - I kept changing my plans, so that’s not really accurate. ↩︎

Where can I submit my map. I forgot.

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I think this. I’m not very sure though.

Wheres the form as of now.

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It won’t be released until May. :calendar:

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ok ill wait. thanks

Theres so many new regs I dont know lmao