The Gimkit Awards!

lol I can just sit around and let everyone else answer for me haha.
@MetaKnight, the categories are listed in the topic. Just scroll to the top and read that post.

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so it will be only on may when will it end on?

@PavelR, there’s no announced date yet, but it’ll likely end within like a month or so after it starts. :calendar:

ok thank you that makes sense

Please keep in mind, I don’t know for sure. @Blackhole927 may be doing something very different from what I thought, or he may not. :thinking:

@Magenta_Dragon you have a good chance of YouTuber. You could submit that…

This topic is temporarily closed for at least 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.

This topic was automatically opened after 4 hours.

Back open!

hopefully it doesn’t close this time
no being off topic guys!
if you are off topic just know I’ll be watching :slightly_smiling_face:


Yes, no being off topic
and I’m always watching :wink:


Yep! Too much off topic stuff.

How many times has this been closed? Just wondering.

5 times, apparently. I searched @system in the search bar and checked the “in this topic” button and it said system closed and opened this topic 5 times.

Anyways, to get back on-topic, here’s my opinion on this: I’m not trying to win for any awards, I’m too lazy to do something, I’m just here for the fun lol.


I am going to make a map, maybe… they said that showcase links usually don’t win, so I have to make mine VERY good…

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Huh? Who said that? I’m pretty sure you can submit your map for a category even if it’s a showcase link.

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yes, you can summit showcase, but those links don’t get passed around as often…


Oh okay, I get your point since as Blackhole said, the maps selected will be nominated by the community, unlike the gim jam.
Yeah, I think a published game is going to get more nominations because of the :sparkles: aesthetic :sparkles: but don’t let that stop you! Not all published games will have the same quality as though that are not. (no offense to anybody btw tho)


Another thing I want to point out is that this isn’t meant to be a game jam, it’s an award ceremony. The idea we had with this was that published maps would be from longer ago and the -1000 gimbucks +1000 gimbucks wouldn’t really be as noticeable.


Yeah probably!


Im submiting me amongus map not that lol


wait how do we submit our work?

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