The Gimkit Awards!

There will be two sets of google forums you submit people into. These will be posted at the start of May.

I’m probably gonna make a topic explaining in detail how the whole voting process works, honestly.


Will you guys need to play the maps

We aren’t the ones judging the maps- you all are. It’s a community vote.


How do I enter my Game in The Competition?

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there’s going to be a google form sent out in may, and you can enter the game link there

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Thank you, I am Working on a i would say unique adventure game for the competition. I also am doing like a game jam, Because I always wanted to be in one.

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Are all of us allowed to host competitions?

I think so. It’s just probably not gonna be official though. Like oh, yeah you can host a competition or something on a padlet but it won’t be like gimkit official. It’ll be similar to what Gimkit101 is doing.


Would you have to consult the gimkit staff [1] in order to host an official event? [2]

  1. Jeffo, Josh, Pharlain, Jose, Jakub ↩︎

  2. like this current event ↩︎



There’s nothing stopping you!
Keep in mind though, an unofficial competition hosted on the forums would probably get flagged, it would be off topic technically. So you might want to do that somewhere else.



ok so if this continues for next year, is it going to be like the same time? just wondering because gimmie awards are in october/november and mine are in december and january

Yeah, if they happen again they’ll be around the same time.


This is new!
I hope this encourages people to make more games
lol :smirk:


okay, i’ve asked this question before, and i’ve received mixed answers, so im going to ask it here.
for the ‘best gkc artist,’ how would that work? do you need to make a map for this one? or just show some of your best work? sorry, im just confused abt this, and would appreciate a clear answer.

You need to have made art within gimkit creative.

When we’re going through nominations, we’ll ask people for proof of work as is nessasary.

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Kinda silly, but how what will the atmosphere of the event be like? Serious, like an awards ceremony? Or fun, like a carnival, with other things to do at the same time? Will you wear a top hat? Is the timetable finalized?


A bit of both things I think.

Although I can’t speak for unstable, I will not be wearing a top hat.

Yes/no, we have a timetable, but we’re still messing with it a bit.


Man, that’s a missed opportunity. A top hat would compliment your curtain well.


Actually, the Gimmie Awards are in August. @Blackhole927, would you mind if I were to copy your idea of having awards for off the forums?