The Gimkit Awards!

Lol yeah. I don’t usually have this much luck
Wait nvm tysm @Nature_Boy_Drama16

anywho back on topic

yes you can gift tickets with a link from a user.

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Man ur lucky I wish I had luck like that :sob::sob::sob:

wait nature gave it to you?

Yeah, ,he did

oh can you allow me back into the padlet? and he said he would gift it to me and you… @Jeffo can you remove the flags, again.


That’s nice :smiley:
(I still don’t have it; my ego wont let me buy it though)


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This topic is temporarily closed for at least 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.

This topic was automatically opened after 10 days.

It finally opened!
Make sure to stay on-topic so this doesn’t close again.

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No chatting guys!
You will be banned for it, only questions allowed, seriously.

This topic is temporarily closed for at least 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.

This topic was automatically opened after 8 hours.

It’s open again! If you have any more questions, go ahead and get them out!

Also, once again want to clarify that things made before this was announced can be nominated! You don’t have to make something specifically for the awards! Cool work done in the past is just as cool!


how do we vote for the people that we want to win for the Gimkit awards?

I had so many questions but now I forgot all of them…


they will send out google forms in May

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Is the google forms in May 1st or May something?