The Gimkit Awards!

Josh might (actually probably will) reach out to you to ask for the email address attached to your gimkit account so he can actually give the gimbucks out.


Thanks, @AustinReaves! If we’re lucky, the community with vote >50% yes and I’ll still do it on time. :rofl: Also, yeah, the notifications are annoying! :smile_cat:

yeah that is the only logical way to give it out. As of my gimkit account is not even my user name, i have it hidden so he can’t even find it by searching.

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It’s just not how it works, sadly. plus adding a notification for just this event would take more of the staff’s time, and that’s already half the reason why this announcement wasn’t made on the official gimkit website.


Absolutely not. Again, the staff don’t wanna put too much work into this, they’re busy making the new game mode and dealing with all of us, so that’d be way too much work for this.


Oh, geez, this is suspenseful. A lot can change in a poll between now and 2024-03-26T19:20:00Z, when I close it.

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how do you do that time thingy?}

Question about this thread, did it get changed so that it wont be able to be closed?

Click the calendar icon. Try it.

I don’t believe so, the mods/staff just opened it up like they would normally. Blackhole has asked for category mod (whatever that means, probably that we wouldn’t have to deal with that again), but I guess they haven’t responded.


Hopefully we don’t get a repeat of what happened last time.

Edit: Oh my god.

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its 2024-03-26T14:16:00Z right now

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I don’t imagine we will, as long as all of you stay on topic. Unfortunately, the gimmie awards aren’t on topic, so that might change.

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oh wow I’m on time for something I don’t think I’ll win anything but it’s fine I hope somebody ik wins

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Wait… I’m so confused right now… I logged off my gimkit account and when I come back, its says I have the season ticket… :open_mouth: Tysm if one of you bought it for me

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who gifted it to you? Somebody must have

lucky you?? seens like a bug though id report it

wait can you gift them because if so thats what happened

Category mod means he is an admin of your group “Gimkit Awards” that gives him the rights to allow others into the group, add a group flair, and add more permissions to the group. But to have it where he can review and clear the flags that closed this post he will need to be added to the Forum mod group and increased user permissions via the user admin settings. And that won’t happen, nor will making him an admin of the “Gimkit Awards” group give him the ability to remove flags.

lucky, like super lucky.

:person_shrugging: I don’t really know