The Gimkit Awards!

His YT has like 3000 subscribers. That’s like 3 times the amount of the next person. He would almost be guaranteed 1st.


Please stop deleting your posts, it’s rather annoying.
And yeah, Maththrive is DQed since him being in the competition is just completely unfair to everyone else, and also he asked to be I think.


@Blackhole927 You should add a frequently asked questions tab to the gimkit awards category

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an entire FAQ for this lol

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Well what questions are being frequently asked?

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just want this question answered, that’s all.

Collabs, distribution of prizes, category expansion, where and when to vote/nominate

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date clarification, the two art categories, how the nomination will work, what will be on the Google form (Jobozo said some of these)


it doesnt even haveto be frequently asked, it can be most of the questions

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I’m confused, I saw unstable say somewhere that the nominations begin next week but the poster says it (nominations and voting) begins and ends in may, when are the nominations/voting?

May. There will just be a week delay between the announcement about voting and voting.


I didn’t say that at any given point.


How can people vote my map in the nomination vote?

they will send out google forms in may

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But how do you make my map an option?

I am not sure… Maybe blackhole will answer later
The details of this project are still being determined so we don’t have ALL the answers yet

I think he said that you nominate only the person, and then they check to make sure that person has any maps or art.

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Nomination forms will open up in May 2024.

Is game remake for an outside game or a gamemode?

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Ima participate in the fan art challenge and im doing something, but i was wondering if u want a gim named after u like WolfTechnology did?