The Gimkit Awards!

Yeah thanks for doing it on both platforms!

Oh, we also intend on doing it on the wiki, and I personally intend on reaching out to some of the wixsite folks for it.

Basically, we’re spreading it as much as possible.

It’s not, and I appreciate all of y’all that thought of this, how thoughtful!

hey be nice to little kids

@GrimReaper7 Welcome to the Gimkit Forums!

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Probably not, for bias’ sake. The gim jam kinda proved how games are generally viewed as better if we playtest them beforehand, and I really don’t want a repeat of that.

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Hey @Unstable Did you see my message in the discord?

It’ll be a google form sent out in may, both for nominations and voting (which will be some time after nominations so that we can sort through all the nominees and get a comprehensive list).

I don’t know that I did, so feel free to ping me in a reply to the message.

I’m at school right now :skull:

Dude, I got out of school like 2 hours ago. It’s 5:46 where I live

15:46 in California.

Dude, what time zone do you live in?

got out two hours and 12 mins 5:47 ct here

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I got out like 32 minutes ago…


lol, 6:47 pm rn


hey blackhole have you seen the math talk happening about dld


same Me live in TX


I snuck them into my English Lesson when I was supposed to be doing my assignment


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Ok, I’m back with questions, but these are more “getting the word out there type”:

  • What is the best place to spread the word about your game?
  • Will there be any other topics that are Gimkit Awards?
  • What’s the gim jam?
  • Can someone send a sign up link to the Discord?
  • Shouldn’t there be a catagory about the most technical game?

Thank you