The Gimkit Awards- Voting Information!

BH, can I have motivation to make my map?

You can do it, Yes you can! it would be a waste if u dont

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I need motivation as well. Iā€™m broken on my bedwars map

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Wow! This clarifies a lot! Thanks, @Blackhole927!

Cough Cough @ClicClac

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I assure you, there are at least three game remakes better than _____Land.


Same. I procrastinate my map too much lol.

Motivation: IF you do it, youā€™ll be proud and have a cool game you can show to your friends!

If not, itā€™s just gonna rot away in your abyss of map slots.


imagine its a math test and you have a few weeks starting when you read this post


me, Falls asleep forever and fails Gimkit class

thats the only way i get my work done

right before its due

now i gotta get to work too!

If you're voting, don't look at this

You might want a more secure way of recording votes, Google Forms can be exploited with simple scripts. You, me, or anybody else with basic programming knowledge could probably make a spam voting bot in Python in just a few minutes.


now that your telling me thisā€¦ im kinda curious!

Kindly do not point that out to the voters. Will keep in mind, do you have any suggestions?
Also, if I recall correctly there is an option to force people to log in and not be able to vote twice from the same account.


Not if you set it to only 1 vote allowed. But, yeah, it would be really easy to do that.

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@Blackhole927 I REALLY wish that there was a category for the best platformer because it is relatively new and we could see what people are already creating within a few weeks of the mode being released.

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well it wouldnt be fair to people without the season ticket

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We didnā€™t add that specifically because it gave an unfair advantage to those without the ticket. If it happens next year, it will almost certainly be a category.


@Blackhole927, I recommend you set your form to a max of 1 submission per person, otherwise things could get out of control.

Weā€™re obviously doing that, we arenā€™t stupid. Just was interested an any better alternatives.

Fersion, I bypassed the filter. How else was I gonna say it?


I thought that the 7th word on the first sentence is bannedā€¦


The one submission option limits by IP, so it can be bypassed using a VPN. Ristricting on account does limit to most extent, but it does require users to have a personal Google account.

The best solution would probably be something that employs reCAPTCHA and IP limits.

Also: All of this is under the assumption someone has the motive to rig this, which isnā€™t likely. However, seeing as a significant portion of GKC users have some programming experience, better safe than sorry.

For these purposes, probably go with the Google account option.