The Gimkit Awards- Voting Information!

What’s the game?


It’s a game called No Fair Play (a soccer or football game) where there are no rules! I literally mean no rules; you can punch, kick, tackle, hang off of, etc, people. you can get power-ups to help you, and there are multiple wacky and strange maps (there is a map where the center is closed and you need to go into buildings to get the other goal) but I will add my own spin to some thing (like a weapon buying store, different maps, etc)

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Neither of those. We’re not abusing this event for views or subs, so it’ll be on it’s own channel.


Probably a good idea…


So like, how many games have to be made to do this one?

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multiple is any number more than two


Ok, I’m almost done with my third game so I’ll try to do this one.

Dose it count if they are a series?

I think I’m gonna win the best battle royale map, my upcoming map has a working storm, and I have already made a popular battle royale map, I got this

yes, as long as there is more than to games.

OK thank

About Best GKC Gamemaker:

Say, in a purely hypothetical scenario, some GKC creator published one game on his own, and made one game with a group. Does that count as two?


Since I’m not the authority, my word isn’t anything, but I would think yes. If you made any part of a map, it is technically yours and others. I would think if you have built something in the main or secondary category, it would count.

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I’ve been helping here since May. I’m pretty sure a good assumption to make would be that at least one person copied what I wrote here and put it in their game 1 for 1. Would that count as me helping make the game, therefore counting to my total?

Assuming you actually did something in the map important (not just placing a single prop), and that you, yourself, were the one who placed the stuff in game, it would count

No, you didn’t place the devices yourself.


Yeah, that makes sense. Thanks for clarifying! [1]


I just learned about Gimkit News, your channel. Isn’t it supposed to be weekly news? I haven’t seen any new news in 1 month.

  1. Now I have a better chance of winning. :sunglasses: ↩︎

Yeah, but make sure you were the one actually placing the stuff.

As for gimkit news, I forgot, so I made an alarm. New episode this Saturday.

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Okay. Don’t worry - I do a lot more than 1 prop in each game I help with. [1]

Yay! [2]

  1. Tbh, I often do around 50% of most maps I work on with friends. ↩︎

  2. What’s it about? Any hints? :astonished: ↩︎

Wait, so where are the google forms?

multiple is any number more than one.