The Gimkit Awards- Voting Information!

They can just look at the account owner of the map and give them gimbucks. I may know how to code, but don’t ask me the specifics. I’m assuming that the devs of the game have a quick way of looking at someone’s account and just changing stuff.

That’s not really something you need to worry about unless you win. Josh will need your email, and he’ll add the prize to your account. In the case of maps, we might be able to just have him find the user who posted the map and add the gimbucks to that account.


I need to get the email for my actual gimkit account changed, can you help me with this?

How long do you estimate this time to be, because school ends sometime that week for me, so it would be nice to know the exact date so I can tell other people about it at my school since Gimkit is all anybody knows me for.

We don’t have a date simply because we don’t know how long it will take to count and verify the votes, sorry.


You can reset your email in your account settings. In the top right corner of your screen, click “me”, and then click “settings”. Click reset email (or something like that).


@Blackhole927, have u considered making the form with surveymonkey?

Yes, we have.


hi, @Blackhole927 sorry for the ping but can you update on this?

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Replying to a topic automatically pings the person who posted the topic.

We might do this for the final vote.


oh- I forgot about that


if i create two games (rock paper scissors, and bedwars) would those count as game remakes?

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I think game remakes are remakes of actual Gimkit game modes, not other ones.

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I have no idea. im hoping that those count.

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how did you make this?

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RPS would probably end up in the minigames category… but bedwars would be a recreation of a game in gimkit so that would qualify.

Any game, remade in gimkit.

Uhhhh we planned it and then we got josh to agree to it and then we did it


k, thanks so much!


oh, that makes sense. mb


Quick question, does the game have to be really relevant, or can It be a hidden gem in the gaming world (I am making a game but I don’t know if it will qualify even if it was nominated) (this is for best game recreation in gimkit)